Quick find:

[ROLL] Slagathor (rapier!) rolls d20: 16
[ROLL] Slagathor (rapier!) adds a bonus of 9
[ROLL] For 1d20+9, Slagathor (rapier!) totals: 25
[ROLL] Slagathor rolls d4: 1
[ROLL] Slagathor adds a bonus of 3
[ROLL] For 1d4+3, Slagathor totals: 4
Vith'lem says, "(is there a feat that allows sneaks on AoO?"
Slagathor says, "(I'm all sneak attack damage :-( )"
Dungeon Master says, "I think you get sneak attack damage too.  You are still
    stabbing from concealment. This is all happening at once.)"
Slagathor says, "Excellent!"
[ROLL] Slagathor rolls 3d6: 1, 1, 1, totalling 3.
Slagathor says, "LAAAAME"
Dungeon Master laughs out loud!
Slagathor grins.
Vith'lem says, "bah!"
Dungeon Master says, "You rolled minimum damage.  1 on a d4 and 3 on 3d6.  That
    took impressively bad luck."
[chat] Slagathor is going to stab Celorn
Celorn [chat] thats 4 1's in 4 rolls.
Slagathor nods at DMV.