Quick find:

You give Riev pinto beans.
You give Riev pinto beans.
You say, "Good for the heart"
Riev looks at pinto beans
You say, "The more you eat, the better thou art."
-> Riev smiles, "Thanks, I'll never turn down food."
You agree wholeheartedly.

Riev says, "I'm a bit tired myself, think I will take a small nap before I
     go on anymore journeys..."
Riev says, "It was nice meeting you."
Riev consumes pinto beans.

Moments after eating the pinto beans, Riev farts 98 times.

Riev consumes pinto beans.

Moments after eating the pinto beans, Riev farts 77 times.

Riev consumes pinto beans.

Moments after eating the pinto beans, Riev farts 5 times.

Riev removes Aura of Brilliance.
Riev wearily returns to a safer environ.
-> Rosuav watches Riev fall asleep in his own odour