Quick find:

Tyren says to Rosuav, "Pardon me, Rosuav. Might I ask a small favor of
You say, "Sure!"
Tyren says to Rosuav, "I am researching other guilds' style of combat and
     yours in one that I have not seen yet. Would you honor me a quick go
     in the dome?"
You chuckle
You say, "Do you realise that, even without gear, I can probably crush you
Tyren says, "Oh I do not doubt it. But it is a task I have been given to
     further myself within my guild. The people I must put myself against
     will all probably crush me."
You say, "Interesting."
You say, "Well, the dome's the best place for it, then"
You say, "I'm basically a retired psion, but let's see how this goes.
     Northwest corner?"
Tyren says, "Sure"

--- I entered the arena, and en route to the northwest corner, passed a stationary Tyren ---
--- In the northwest corner, a half minute later ---
Tyren enters.
You say, "Catch your breath first"
Tyren nods
--- Yeah, I had to say it: ---
You say, "Tell me... do you by any chance have six fingers on your right
Tyren hmms
Tyren says, "Do you always start your conversations this way?"
You say, "Only during the eclipse of the sun."
-> Tyren raises his right hand revealing only four fingers and a thumb
You give it a thumbs up.
You say, "You are ready?"
Tyren nods
You laugh at Tyren's sorry attempt to intimidate you.
Tyren hmms
Tyren says, "Worth a shot"
You say, "You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you, which is why the
     gloridome is so good."
Tyren says, "You seem a decent fellow, I'd hate to die"
You say, "Begin."
Tyren attacks you!

--- During the combat, Pangal's ultimate critted off. ---
--- Later, in the recovery room ---

Tyren says, "That initial attack was quite something.. Who knew the mind
     could hurt so much"
Tyren smirks in amusement
You say, "Yes, the mind is a powerful weapon"
You say, "It's an even greater weakness."

--- So, quoted here were: Princess Bride, the Goon Show, H2G2, and M:TG. Not bad for one dome duel. ---