Quick find:

-{Citizen}- Rileska pulls a Zephora and doesn't answer her phone when
            Falcore calls.
-{Citizen}- Emfield: better than pullin an isaviel
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: What's that mean Em? Botching a nickname?
-{Citizen}- Rileska flops on Rosuav
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: http://rosuav.com/1/?id=229
-{Citizen}- Rosuav hugs Rileska
-{Citizen}- Emfield: url 4
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: If it's the most recent one, Em, you can omit the
            number and just type "url"
-{Citizen}- Emfield: ros, urlifesaver
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Hehe. http://rosuav.com/1/?id=296
-{Citizen}- Rileska: Just reminds me of the days of "Can you get me a few
            Bagsohaks of holding?"
-{Citizen}- Emfield: i remember when i used to nickname everyone
-{Citizen}- Emfield: cause i could type about as fast and as i could with
            my face
-{Citizen}- Rileska: Or "Anyone got a Brynnafidska ring?"
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Yeah