Quick find:

-{Citizen}- Aryadne: tell sancitizen The nod was intended as a response to
            your greeting, not as a "Please walk past me and engange in the
            battle I was standing here preparing for" signal.  I suppose I
            should choose my acknowledgments and greetings more carefully.
            I do hope you'll excuse the confusion.
-{Citizen}- Aryadne: Good effing Lord
-{Citizen}- Khaosai applauds Aryadne.
-{Citizen}- Saorise cheers enthusiastically for Aryadne
-{Citizen}- Aryadne grabs the whiteout
-{Citizen}- Saorise: Citizen is not citizen without Aryadne doing a
-{Citizen}- Mellisande waits for a corpse to wash up on the beach.
-{Citizen}- Mellisande: Somebody put that on the forum with the rest of
-{Citizen}- Saorise: he needs his own thread.
-{Citizen}- Saorise: "Funny thing Aryadne does"
-{Citizen}- Fynn: Thats like a 3 layer mischan
-{Citizen}- Saorise: *things.
-{Citizen}- Aryadne: That was a full on back and forth deciding between a
            cit comment and a tell style fuckup, too.  It required 3
            prefixes to screw it that badly.
-{Citizen}- Aryadne points to his temple and says distractedly, "Must be
            the mad cow."