Quick find:

Grok says, "GROK ANGRY!!!!!!"
Grok rages
Grok rolls d20: 17
Grok adds a bonus of 9
For 1d20+9, Grok totals: 26
Dungeon Master says, "Hit"
Grok says, "I hit the one that hit me."
You say, "A hit! A very palpable hit!"
Dungeon Master says, "For damage?"
Grok rolls d20: 7
Grok adds a bonus of 10
For 1d20+10, Grok totals: 17
Grok says, "17 damage."
Dungeon Master says, "Um, you have d20 damage?"
Grok says, "Ooops"
Dungeon Master says, "GEEEZE!"
Grok says, "Sorry."
Dregnar says, "(hehehe.)"
Zasha says, "NERF BARBARIANS!"
Grok rolls 2d6: 3, 4, totalling 7.
Grok adds a bonus of 10
For 2d6+10, Grok totals: 17
Grok says, "17 damage."
You laugh out loud!
Dungeon Master laughs out loud!
Rigsby laughs out loud!
Rigsby says, "Nice"
You say, "Not bad, to roll the same on 2d6 as on d20"
Pendleton says, "(that's fucking awesome.)"
Dungeon Master says, "Yeah"