20140522: Marker
As of now, Rosuav's 1 has been reimplemented in Python, using Flask, after 6.5
hours of exploration and testing. It's high time this happened, and I'd like to
thank Thinkful for providing the impetus to do it :) For someone who's said as
many bad things about PHP and as many good things about Python as I have, it's
a bit embarrassing to admit that my own web site uses PHP, so this is a definite
improvement. With WarmPotato not really being viable performance-wise, this is
the best I'm likely to use.
Flask is excellent. It gets out of the way and lets me write code. I can see it
being horribly abused in various ways (putting all the code into the template
files will make them look like PHP or CF), but if it's used correctly, it lets
you separate code from layout, which is a Good Thing. The total code required is
about 180 lines, up very little from 136 lines of PHP code - not bad for loading
up a brand-new framework. Also, there are a few more features in the new version.
This is good.