Ioshaie [trivia] Sorry Xanu, my dinner is on fire. BRB
Xanu [trivia] Hope you can salvage some of it.
Ioshaie [trivia] Mmmmm, char grilled
[trivia] Xanu grins
Ioshaie [trivia] I'm going to make a bad wife one day
Xanu [trivia] You just need to find a man who can cook his own dinner.
Ioshaie [trivia] My boyfriend's a chef
Xanu [trivia] Useful.
Ioshaie [trivia] I rang him in tears, and he's panicing asking me whats
wrong "My dinners on fire! What do I do honey?"
Ioshaie [trivia] I can almost see the blank look from here
[trivia] Xanu chuckles
Ioshaie [trivia] "Turn it off?" "But its not cooked, it's just on fire!"
Lol. I'm lucky I've got looks, because I'm fucked on cooking
[trivia] Rosuav hugs Ioshaie
Rosuav [trivia] Great story
Ioshaie [trivia] And you know what, dinner is still pretty damn tasty
Rosuav [trivia] Excellent!
[trivia] Xanu gives it a thumbs up.
[trivia] Ioshaie eats around the burnt bits