-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Where are you stationed at the moment Krav? Malvern?
-{Citizen}- Kravenar: Vermont South Ros..
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Moved back after moving to Malvern late Dec?
-{Citizen}- Kravenar: Yep... this is my home station..
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Ah okay. When you said 20071208 that you were moving to
Malvern, I thought that was a perm move.
-{Citizen}- Kravenar: Nah.. just for the roster... and you scare me..
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: What?
-{Citizen}- Kravenar: "When you said 20071208 that you were moving"
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I had to look up the date.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I remembered you'd said recently that you were moving
to Malvern, did a quick search, and got the date
-{Citizen}- Kravenar: You're log is A) Too complete.. and B) Too well
-{Citizen}- Kravenar: Can you tell me what time of day i said that?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: No, I only date them, not timestamp. Although I could
hunt it down in my "full log" and perhaps find evidence.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: It's just a flat file, not a DB2 table.
-{Citizen}- Yat: Rosuav, I hear the spooks have a job for you.
-{Citizen}- Kravenar: Well you can log this under 20080310.... "I'm going
for lunch."
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: If you say so