Pae [court] I always pictured the green torc looking like the Marvin the
Martian helmet.
[court] Rosuav grins, "Heh heh heh!"
[court] Xaxer where's the KA-BOOM? there was supposed to be an earth shattering
Rosuav [court] Oh dear... back to the old drawing board...
Xaxer [court] that is only voice I can impersonate good
Pae [court] I can envision a gnomish auto-load weapon... Hamdob smacks you over
the head with a giant doohickey. Although Hamdob appears to be in more
shock than yourself, he looks at the doohickey and asks, "Where's the
KA-BOOM? There was supposed to be an earth shattering KA-BOOM!"
[court] Halyanne rolls on the floor laughing
[court] Rosuav rolls on the floor laughing
Pae [court] Then of course it explodes damaging all in the room.
Khalid [court] of course
Khalid [court] and turning out the lights
Pae [court] Realm-wide spam: "You see an orange and black mushroom cloud form
in the distance."