-{Citizen}- Dalaena: Is Alchemic a word?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Yep
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Adjectival form of alchemy
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: As in "used in alchemy", right?
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: I'm expanding my vocabulary!
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Alchemic utensils, alchemic techniques
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: So that you guys don't have to read the same crap over and
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: "This is another fucking sword."
-{Citizen}- Falcore: WOO up to more then 40 now!
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: Hey, English isn't my first language.
-{Citizen}- Sier: What's your first language, if you don't mind me asking?
-{Citizen}- Dalaena flops on Claudas
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: Thai
-{Citizen}- Sier gets the idea in his thick skull and gives an 'AH' of
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: But don't let me fool you. I just use that as an excuse
when I like to pretend I don't understand what my husband's telling
-{Citizen}- Falcore: That only means she can scream at you in another laungage
and you don't have a clue as to what she is saying.
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: I'm an English major and speak English with a southern
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: I don't know any bad words in Thai
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: Unfortunately
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: so I just yell random stuff at him