Quick find:

Rhokiki [trivia] Rosuav?
Quaeque [trivia] Damnit, they promised us 24 hour tech support
Rhokiki [trivia] Well. How rude. How dare he try and have a life.
[trivia] Quaeque agrees wholeheartedly.
Rosuav [trivia] What's up?
[trivia] Rhokiki exclaims, "HEEEEEE!"
Tolegu [trivia] ... Guess he doesn't have one after all.
Quaeque [trivia] They should hire a few...yay
[trivia] Rosuav grins at Tolegu
[trivia] Quaeque laughs
Rosuav [trivia] I have a life. I spend it online.
Rhokiki [trivia] You rmemeber that weirdass problem I had where my net
     connection did EVERYTHING except talk over browser based ports?
Rhokiki [trivia] It's back.
Rhokiki [trivia] It comes and goes. I reckon it has to be something to do with
     my isp.
Rhokiki [trivia] I can still thresh. That's the main thing. But my flatmates
     are bitching like little redhead schoolgirls with scraped knees, because
     they can't download.
Rhokiki [trivia] And I am laughing in their faces.
[trivia] Rosuav laughs