20091002: Discussion of MUD clients for use at work
-{Citizen}- Tyisrisum blames Truls for all the problems.
-{Citizen}- Tyisrisum: Goddamnit
-{Citizen}- Fynn pats Tyisrisum on the back
-{Citizen}- Vonkar: Whats the matter/
Truls [court] whassup tyis? not working?
-{Citizen}- Fynn: Truls makes me feel the same way
Truls [court] whassup tyis? not working?
Tyisrisum [court] Oh, just Gmud being a piece of shit
Rosuav [court] Normal state of affairs
Tyisrisum [court] Paste something long, and it fucks up
[court] Truls pats Tyisrisum on the back
Murgen [court] Paste works fine in RosMUD. =)
Tyisrisum [court] That's nice and fine :) I refuse to use it
Rosuav [court] Fine. Paste also works in TinyFugue.
Murgen [court] And in Mushclient too.
Rosuav [court] There's really no reason to keep on with gmud except lock-in
Tyisrisum [court] Gmud is the best I can use at work.
Murgen [court] Or if you enjoy having things fuckup.
Rosuav [court] Why's that Tyis?
Tyisrisum [court] Because it is.
Rosuav [court] Well fine. If you want to be happy with gmud, that's your
business... but you can hardly complain about it, and then in the next
breath say it's the best thing you can use.
Tyisrisum [court] I'll complain about whatever I want to complain about.
Rosuav [court] Threshold's good at that.
Tyisrisum [court] I think it's because of the fuckup Truls. Probably have
to do it again for me
Murgen [court] I'm guessing he means that GMUD is the best he can use at
work other than RosMUD. Since RosMUD is basically just an upgraded
GMUD tailored to Threshold, its hard to imagine a technological reason
that one could use the one and not the other.
Rosuav [court] Except that every feature Gmud has is also present in many
other clients, too.
Truls [court] ok
Rosuav [court] But, he's welcome to blame TRuls for it if he likes
Murgen [court] RosMUD and GMUD run easily from a flash drive. I don't know
if that's true for MUSHclient and tinyfugue.
Rosuav [court] TF on OS/2 it is, so probably TF on Win also, but I couldn't
say. MUSH, no idea.
Tyisrisum [court] If you can use a flash drive, sure. Personally I'm not
willing to connect any of my jump drives to the computer at work. One
of the guys in the back got busted for watching porn at work, two
months ago.
Rosuav [court] That's why several MUD clients have boss keys
Rosuav [court] And if a boss key isn't enough, then gmud won't help you