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Magic awesomeness!!!

Worldwake Rochester draft

Board state:

G has 0/1 Plant token, 2/2 Cosi's Ravager, 2/2 Wolf token, and 1/1 Snake token.

T has 1/1 Walking Atlas.

G casts Feral Contest targeting her Cosi's Ravager and the Walking Atlas. (She wants the extra toughness on her landfall pinger.) She attacks with Cosi's Ravager, the Wolf, and the Snake.

T blocks Cosi's Ravager with the Atlas, as mandated. On the Declare Blockers step, he casts Bull Rush, targeting his Walking Atlas.

Awesome play #1: In response, G casts Ricochet Trap, targeting the Bull Rush - planning to change the target to one of her unblocked creatures.

Awesome play #2: T casts Ricochet Trap, targeting G's Ricochet Trap!

Both traps were hard-cast.

Amazing stuff!