20100608: DnD
Dungeon Master says, "The gauth turns his last eyestalk toward Celorn."
[ROLL] DMV rolls d20: 14
[ROLL] DMV adds a bonus of 6
[ROLL] For 1d20+6, DMV totals: 20
Dungeon Master says, "Make a DC 14 fortitude save, Celorn."
Celorn says, "Uhhh, he has 4?"
Dungeon Master says, "Six eyestalks actually."
[ROLL] Celorn rolls d20: 2
[ROLL] Celorn adds a bonus of 6
[ROLL] For 1d20+6, Celorn totals: 8
[ROLL] DMV rolls 2d10: 6, 2, totalling 8.
Celorn [ooc] F ME!
Dungeon Master says, "Your muscles lock up, Celorn. You are paralyzed for 8
... at the end of the battle ...
Dungeon Master says, "Celorn, your nose starts to itch."
Dungeon Master says, "But you can't scratch it."
[ooc] Celorn wants to kill DMV