20111122: Bael tells the BEST army stories.
-{Citizen}- Bael: Also of note... an idiot I work with today, told one of
our NCO's that there "was no way in hell you can duct tape me
to a chair!"
-{Citizen}- Bael: needless to say, within 15 minutes they jumped him, two
rolls of duct tape magically appeared and over the course of 15
minutes or so they duct taped him to the chair
-{Citizen}- Bael: The SFC in charge of our group walked down the hall to
see what all the noise was about and he looks in, hears the
duct tape, laughs and pulls out his camera
-{Citizen}- Bael: Then I told the same SFC that "He told them they couldn't
do it." and he laughed and said, "You're a fucking dumbass."
and then helped them duct tape him to the chair
-{Citizen}- Bael: then the Sergeant Major came in and was like, "Woh! Woh!
Woh! Hold on a fucking second!" and then walked up to the kid
and goes, "Hey, what's this mean?" and does the "world's
smallest violin" thing and walks back out of the room
-{Citizen}- Bael: it's kind of a rite of passage in the army. 10 minutes
later we duct taped a Staff Sergeant because it was his
birthday. Taped up his ankles, his wrists and then taped his
arms to his sides... and delivered him back to his office...
where he asked his soldiers, "Where in the fuck were you guys?"
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: So, Mythbusters proved something of duct tape's
versatility... but I have to ask, what proportion of your tape
do you actually use for what it's designed for?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav would put it rather low, for a guess
-{Citizen}- Bael: a shitload, actually. Though when it gets used for
shenanigans it's generally a "go big or go home" kind of usage.
But we go through shitloads of duct tape here in practical
-{Citizen}- Bael: We used at least 3/4 of both rolls today though
-{Citizen}- Axitoth: Next time you should duct tape him to the ceiling
-{Citizen}- Bael: Well the funny part is, we broke the chair in the
process... mostly because of his fighting to get out/stop us
-{Citizen}- Bael: So I told him we just needed a stronger chair next time.
and his response was, "They don't make a chair strong enough."
-{Citizen}- Bael: so I said, "That sounds like a challenge to me!" which is
what started the whole thing in the first place
-{Citizen}- Rosuav laffs out loud!
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I'm sure you can find a strong enough chair.
-{Citizen}- Bael: (ps - All props to Frobozz for the "That sounds like a
challenge to me!" line)