Quick find:

DMK arrives.
Dungeon Master says, "Diroval, as DMA's eyes, I will be sending you tells
    throughout the session with notes and comments, DM only!"
Chiyon [ooc] buying new items for Chiyon
DMK [ooc] As long as you have the gold.
Chiyon [ooc] of course
Aprocter nods at DMK.
Chiyon [ooc] Oh i got it up as soon as i logged in
[ooc] Aprocter slipped mostly-quietly to her door and called out in a low
    voice, "Alice! Return to Wonderland... Alice! Alice!"
[ooc] Dungeon Master grins.
[ooc] Diroval waves a wing.
[ooc] DMK lets out a resounding cheer.
Chiyon says, "Oh my god, i can get some outfits for my character."
Phailo arrives.
DMK [ooc] Hi Phailo, you don't have an image set...
DMK tells you: I have an NPC, you could join in too if you wanted. Though
    you'd kind of know the storyline... It's up to you.
You tell DMK: I'm happy to play the NPC as DM if you like.
[ooc] Phailo nods DMK.
Chiyon [ooc] how to i get more attack bonus?
DMK tells you: Go for it. It's Fixyn, I'll share the sheet with you...
You tell DMK: I think you already have.
DMK [ooc] Have more strength... or get weapon procifiency and have more dex...
Secretly, Dungeon Master nods.
Diroval [ooc] Weapon finesse to use Dex.
DMK [ooc] That's the one. Weapon Finesse.
Dungeon Master says, "Everybody ready?"
Aprocter nods.
Chiyon [ooc] I guess.
You tell DMK: If I bring DMA here, it could get confusing. Should I just
    create a subaccount for Fixyn?
Aprocter [ooc] IIRC you take Weapon Finesse with a particular weapon, eg Weapon
    Finesse (Rapier).
Phailo nods.
Fixyn tells you: Hmm... I'm not sure.
Xander arrives.
Chiyon [ooc] Where do i find that?
The following people are online:
&Ardukel&, Silviel, Diroval, Rosuav, DMK, Albecrow, Fixyn, Hadarai, Aprocter,
    Chiyon, Phailo, Xander
The server has been up for 16 wk 1d 07:43:55
The current UTC (GMT) time is: Fri 18:22:02
Aprocter [ooc] WF is a feat
You tell Fixyn: Oh I see. OK, I'll just bring DMA then.
Fixyn heads home.
DMA arrives.
Phailo waves at DMA.
Xander [ooc] oh my gosh... i have told my dad i need his phone from 18:00 and
    he says fine... at 5 past he need to make a phone call he could have made
    earlier and his phone disconnects from the web
[ooc] Dungeon Master waves at Phailo.
Xander [ooc] so sorry i disappeared did i miss anything?
Dungeon Master says, "DMA is going to sit here so she can run an NPC."
DMA [ooc] No, we haven't started yet.
Phailo [ooc] It's going to be a bit confusing with two DMs.
Xander [ooc] phew. i would have been so cross at my dad if you had. i only came
    to the beach today instead of tomorrow on condition i could do this thing
Dungeon Master says, "Before we start, none of you know each other. If you've
    participated in one of the mock sessions from earlier, they were dreams so
    you may recognise people."
DMA [ooc] I'll try to be quiet. But first can people please share their
    character sheets with me too? thalawest@gmail.com
Xander [ooc] cept me cause i was a halfing... i feared losing sanity points
    before even leaving for wonderlant :P
DMK [ooc] Except for xander.
Chiyon [ooc] Shared it.
Xander [ooc] you done it for me?
Xander [ooc] just warning you guys i am on a really slow/unstable connection
Dungeon Master says, "You're all going about your business, be it having a
    drink in the tavern, praying to your god, you choose. Either way, you lose
    consciousness suddenly and feel yourself collapse to the floor."
Aprocter [ooc] Tip: Whenever you reconnect, type "last missed". See 'help last'
    for details.
Aprocter's music winds to a halt
Phailo looks at a note.
DMK looks at a note.
DMK gets a note.
You tell DMK: No, turns out I don't have Fixyn.
Chiyon drops a note.
Dungeon Master says, "You all awaken in a dimly lit room, on a hard metal
    floor... As you glance around you, you see you are in a cage, with vertical
    bars. The cage is hanging from the ceiling by a chain, and the floor seems
    far away."
DMK looks at a note.
Aprocter looks at a note.
DMK looks at a note.
Chiyon [ooc] just trying to remember how to use it again, sorry.
Aprocter [ooc] With what inventory?
Phailo [ooc] Is there a lock?
Phailo [ooc] On the cage.
Dungeon Master says, "You are all seperated as shown on the grid. Your
    inventory is as you had it when you made your character. Decide if that's
    unusual or not. There is a door with a large padlock to one side."
Chiyon [ooc] Can i attack the padlock?
Aprocter looks around and takes stock, then takes inventory
DMK [ooc] You might try... you know. Standing up, looking around. Speaking to
    these strange people you've woken up with in a cage out of nowhere, see if
    anyone can pick locks, before attempting to attack it.
DMK [ooc] But it's your choice :P
Chiyon [ooc] My character isn't very smart.
[ooc] Aprocter gives an amused chuckle, "heh, heh, heh."
Chiyon swings at the lock!
Aprocter ducks
[ROLL] Chiyon rolls d6: 6
Chiyon [ooc] oops
[ROLL] Chiyon rolls d20: 3
Chiyon [ooc] I mean he hasn't got much common sense.
Xander [ooc] i just finished that token image i wanted to use, its holy symbol
    of my god
Dungeon Master says, "Whatever it was you hit it with just bounces off the
Chiyon says, "Oh great, now i have a hole in my lute!"
You tell Xander: May I change the filename of your sheet? It says "Kitten's"
Aprocter gets to his feet and eyes the madman trying to smash something metal
    with a musical instrument.
Aprocter stays silent for the moment.
Phailo goes over to the lock and pulls out a lockpick from his pack.
[ROLL] Phailo (open lock) rolls d20: 2
[ROLL] Phailo (open lock) adds a bonus of 8
[ROLL] For d20+8, Phailo (open lock) totals: 10
Xander tells you: yeah sure
Phailo, seeing nothing happening, tries again.
[ROLL] Phailo (open lock) rolls d20: 14
[ROLL] Phailo (open lock) adds a bonus of 8
[ROLL] For d20+8, Phailo (open lock) totals: 22
Dungeon Master says, "The padlock clicks open."
Chiyon says, "Hurray!"
Chiyon says, "Oh wait, how are we going to climb down?"
Phailo looks down into the hole.
Aprocter says, "Apart from 'way higher than is safe', where exactly are we?"
Xander [ooc] just so everybody knows why i am so quiet i am just eating dinner,
    be with you 100% shortly
Aprocter [ooc] DM, do the cages swing at all?
DMK [ooc] Slightly, but not dangerously so.
Aprocter [ooc] Do they appear to swing in concert?
[ooc] Dungeon Master has a questioning look on her face.
Aprocter [ooc] Do they move together (or mirrored), which would imply that
    they're on two ends of a single chain?
DMK [ooc] Individually.
Aprocter weight-shifts a bit to see if the cage's movement can be adjusted.
Chiyon shakes the cage out of impatience.
Chiyon says, "Arrgh! There's got to be a way down!"
DMK [ooc] The cage moves only slightly.
Phailo says, "How about introductions?"
Aprocter says, "There is, friend."
Aprocter says, "You can always jump. Whether or not you'll like the landing is
    another question."
DMK [ooc] Minutely, even.
Chiyon says, "My name's Chiyon, i'm a bard."
Phailo says, "My name is Phailo."
Aprocter [ooc] So, not much chance that I could make it move 7-15 feet?
DMK [ooc] Unlikely.
[ooc] Aprocter nods.
Xander [ooc] brt to do dat
Fixyn says, "Hello over there! My name is Fixyn, and my wolf and I are the
    only ones over here."
Aprocter says, "I'm Aprocter."
Aprocter says, "Hello Fixyn! Reckon you can swing your platform over here a
    bit? Seems a little far to shout."
Chiyon [ooc] Kaelyn's token?
DMK [ooc] Working on it.
Phailo says, "I just remembered - I have rope."
Chiyon says, "Why on earth didn't you say that?!"
Chiyon says, "Can we tie it around the bar and climb down?"
Phailo gets his rope and, keeping one end of it, throws it down the hole.
Phailo says, "It's only 50 feet."
Chiyon [ooc] are we further than 50 feet on the air?!
Xander sitting quietly
Aprocter says, "Then as long as we're no more than seventy feet in the air,
    we're fine. Maybe seventy-fie."
Dungeon Master says, "It reaches the floor just about, but you were sure you
    were higher up than that a minute ago."
Aprocter peers down
Chiyon says, "Who wants to go first?"
Phailo ties the rope securely to the iron bar.
Aprocter says, "Is it my imagination, or is the floor rising to meet us? I'm
    not sure I want to go down there."
Dungeon Master says, "Use rope roll?"
Chiyon says, "ood climb?"
Chiyon [ooc] climb roll?
[ROLL] Phailo (use rope) rolls d20: 19
[ROLL] Phailo (use rope) adds a bonus of 4
[ROLL] For d20+4, Phailo (use rope) totals: 23
Xander [ooc] use rope
DMK [ooc] Not yet, he hadn't tied it.
Xander stands up
Dungeon Master says, "Phailo securely ties the rope to one of the bars."
Aprocter looks across at Fixyn.
Xander [ooc] can we see the floor now?
Phailo says, "Who's good at climbing?"
[ROLL] Chiyon (use rope) rolls d20: 16
[ROLL] Chiyon (use rope) adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, Chiyon (use rope) totals: 18
DMK [ooc] Yes, if you look down. You can see that the tip of the rope touches
    the floor.
DMK [ooc] Not you chiyon, the use rope was for tying the knot.
Chiyon [ooc] Oh.
Xander [ooc] do we see anything else down there
DMK [ooc] Nobody has decided to climb anything yet, but when you do, and
    hopefully open the door to the cage, you can roll for climb.
DMK [ooc] Just an even, dirty stone floor.
Chiyon [ooc] Didn't the padlock click open earlier?
Xander [ooc] the lock not the door
Phailo [ooc] Yes, but we didn't open the door.
Aprocter grabs the rope just below the knot, coils it up a bit, and throws the
    other end across to the other cage. "Catch!"
Chiyon wonders what Aprocter is going to do when she grabs it.
[ROLL] DMA rolls d20: 5
[ROLL] DMA adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] DMA adds a bonus of -4
[ROLL] For d20+2-4, DMA totals: 3
Aprocter [ooc] Should I make some sort of roll for how well I threw the rope?
-> Fixyn completely misses catching the rope.
DMK [ooc] I'm just trying to figure out what kind of roll...
DMA [ooc] Attack roll against AC 10 or lower?
Dungeon Master says, "Fixyn misses the rope."
DMK [ooc] Dex roll?
DMA [ooc] Yes, thrown attack.
Aprocter throws again
[ooc] Dungeon Master nods.
[ROLL] Aprocter (to-hit cage) rolls d20: 17
[ROLL] Aprocter (to-hit cage) adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, Aprocter (to-hit cage) totals: 19
DMA [ooc] Should I also roll to catch?
Dungeon Master says, "The rope hits the other cage, and we'll say it lands in
    the cage. I'd suggest Fixyn grab it though."
Aprocter pauses. "Now what?"
DMK [ooc] It was a good though, no need.
DMK [ooc] throw, even.
Phailo [ooc] Where is the door on the other cage?
DMK [ooc] The door on both cages is facing south.
-> Fixyn catches the rope and ties it to a bar.
[ROLL] DMA (use rope) rolls d20: 3
[ROLL] DMA (use rope) adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, DMA (use rope) totals: 5
Xander [ooc] i am trying to work out what to say but that wolf is messing with
    me :P
Phailo says, "If we can twist the cages, I should be able to open the other
    lock so we can be together."
Dungeon Master says, "Fixyn has temporarily forgotten how to tie a knot and it
    doesn't turn out so well."
Chiyon says, "What on earth is she doing with that rope?"
Aprocter says, "We should kill that wolf before we get near, though."
Aprocter says, "It looks dangerous. I don't know how she's not mauled."
Aprocter says to Chiyon, "Ballet, I think."
Chiyon laughs.
Fixyn says, "No! Kaelyn is my friend!"
Xander says, "She seems to have a connection to it"
Aprocter says, "Come again!?"
Aprocter says, "Ma'am, I think your sanity is showing."
Xander [ooc] haha
Xander says, "I am Xander by the way"
Fixyn says, "No, no! I'm a druid. Kaelyn is my animal companion - my friend.
    She has been almost since I began studying."
Xander takes time to nod (mini bow) at each person individually and the wolf
Phailo says, "to fixyn If you untie the rope and tie it to the south side of
    the cage, we can pull and I can let you out."
Aprocter says, "Okay, if y'say so! Let's get these cages open."
-> Fixyn bows in return to Xander.
-> Fixyn nods to phailo and re-tries the knot.
[ROLL] DMA (use rope) rolls d20: 14
[ROLL] DMA (use rope) adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, DMA (use rope) totals: 16
Bodyless Female Voice says, "Helping strangers, how lovely!"
Aprocter pulls on the rope to draw the cages closer
Dungeon Master says, "Fixyn ties a strong knot."
Aprocter says, "Hey, it's not like there's anybody else to help here"
Phailo gets his lockpick out again.
Xander says, "these cages, look very heavy. would it not be better to just
    climb across?"
Chiyon says, "Hey you! What kind of sick person holds up innocent people 50
    feet in the air!"
-> Fixyn turns toward the voice.
Aprocter says to Chiyon, "I don't want to know what kind of sickness she has,
    I'm not a doctor"
Chiyon [ooc] How do you say to certain people?
Dungeon Master says, "Strength roll if you want to pull that cage."
DMK [ooc] say to
Chiyon [ooc] say to DMK Ah
Chiyon [ooc] hmm
DMA [ooc] Doesn't work on channels.
[ROLL] Aprocter (pull rope) rolls d20: 8
[ROLL] Aprocter (pull rope) adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] For d20+1, Aprocter (pull rope) totals: 9
Bodyless Female Voice says, "I have to be sure you are fit for purpose"
Aprocter's hands slip on the rope
Xander looks for where theh voice is comming from
Chiyon plays an angry song on his lute.
Dungeon Master says, "The other cage swings slightly, but not massively. The
    cage is heavy."
Phailo says to Aprocter, "Try taking a turn around a bar."
Chiyon says, "What if we all grab on to the rope and pull?"
Aprocter has another pull
[ROLL] Aprocter (pull rope) rolls d20: 19
[ROLL] Aprocter (pull rope) adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] For d20+1, Aprocter (pull rope) totals: 20
Aprocter says, "Thanks, nice tip."
Xander [ooc] i assume i dont see where the voice is comming from
Dungeon Master says, "Aproctor heaves and pulls the other cage towards him."
DMK [ooc] Nope, it's bodyless.
Aprocter [ooc] It oculd still have a source
-> Fixyn grabs the bars of the other cage as they come together.
Xander grabs the bars too
DMK [ooc] He said see. Nobody can really tell where it's coming from.
[ooc] Aprocter nods.
Xander says, "i'll hold this, you get into this cage so we can work together"
Chiyon plays a romantic tune on his lute to embarras the 2.
Phailo gets to the lock of the other cage and starts opening the lock.
[ROLL] Phailo (open lock) rolls d20: 11
[ROLL] Phailo (open lock) adds a bonus of 8
[ROLL] For d20+8, Phailo (open lock) totals: 19
Aprocter sings parody words to Chiyon's tune
Xander looks at the two of them, you are lucky my hands are busy
DMK [ooc] I assume you slip between the bars to get to the other cage?
[ooc] Phailo nods.
[ooc] Dungeon Master nods.
DMK [ooc] You open it successfully
Chiyon [ooc] how thin is he?!
Aprocter [ooc] We haven't eaten in weeks
Phailo [ooc] I'm very lightly built.
Aprocter attempts to open the cage he's in
Xander looks at Phailo the human Rogue.
Chiyon looks at his own beer belly.
Aprocter [ooc] Do I need to roll that, or are you just going to say yes/no?
DMK [ooc] He already rolled it a minute ago.
-> Fixyn looks around for the voice. "Who are you?"
Phailo opens the door of the cage.
Dungeon Master says, "You get no response."
Xander says, "Get in here together please... NO rush though..."
Phailo goes to the people holding the cages together.
DMA tells you: DMK tells you: that, by the way, would be whoever is
    responsible for guiding
Phailo says, "We need to get the two doors together."
DMA tells you:    the party towards wonderland... The white queen, I think.
Chiyon says, "Why?"
Phailo says, "So that Fixyn can get to our cage."
Dungeon Master says, "Phailo slipped easily between the bars by the way, a
    person turned sideways could slip between them. Possibly not a wolf
Chiyon [ooc] I thought the doors were locked?
Aprocter [ooc] We picked the locks already
Phailo [ooc] I unlocked them.
Chiyon says, "So how are we going to turn these around?"
Xander [ooc] ok so we have a rope tied onto the door side of the other cage?
-> Fixyn nods at Phailo and releases one hand to grab a different bar.
DMK [ooc] The sides closes to each other, from what I could tell.
DMK [ooc] closest*
Dungeon Master says, "I think we should have a strength check from anyone
    holding the two cages together, it must be tiresome work."
[ROLL] DMA (Str) rolls d20: 20
Chiyon stands up and helps hold the cages.
Phailo unties the rope and ties it again close to the door.
Aprocter [ooc] My intention is to just open the cages and have Fixyn step across
[ROLL] Phailo (use rope) rolls d20: 6
[ROLL] Phailo (use rope) adds a bonus of 4
[ROLL] For d20+4, Phailo (use rope) totals: 10
Aprocter [ooc] Phailo, do you realise what that means?
[ROLL] Chiyon (holding cages together) rolls d20: 5
Aprocter [ooc] You just released the rope that was holding the cages
Phailo [ooc] There're people holding them together.
Aprocter [ooc] That puts a lot of load on the people
[ooc] Aprocter nods.
DMA [ooc] The rope was slack by now.
Dungeon Master says, "I'm sure there were more people holding it... Xander for
[ROLL] Xander (str) rolls d20: 8
[ROLL] Xander (str) adds a bonus of 3
[ROLL] For d20+3, Xander (str) totals: 11
Xander [ooc] sorry i keep trying to type stuff and then it changes :P
Phailo crosses to the other side and reties the rope there too.
Dungeon Master says, "Fixyn barely manages to hold the two cages together on
    her own, and seems to be struggling somewhat."
Aprocter says, "We don't need the cages together, we just need the druid over
Phailo says, "All right, lets give it a go."
Phailo pulls on the rope.
[ROLL] Phailo (Str) rolls d20: 9
[ROLL] Phailo (Str) adds a bonus of -1
[ROLL] For d20-1, Phailo (Str) totals: 8
Aprocter grabs the rope and yoinks on it to keep the cages together
Xander says, "Hey guy, you can possibly get some leaverage if you are smart"
[ROLL] Aprocter (str) rolls d20: 16
[ROLL] Aprocter (str) adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] For d20+1, Aprocter (str) totals: 17
Phailo says to Aprocter, "We want the wolf as well."
Aprocter nods at Phailo.
Aprocter says, "I guess"
Fixyn says, "I'd open the door, but I'm kind of occupied."
Chiyon opens the door.
Phailo says, "I was in there with it and it didn't bite me."
Xander says, "first thing might be to tie the cages together at the corner"
Dungeon Master says, "Fixyn is holding the two cages together on the sides
    closest to each other."
DMA [ooc] When, Phailo?
Xander indicates the corner between the two doors
Aprocter says to Xander, "No need. We just need Fixyn to jump across and then
    we can disassemble this construct."
Phailo [ooc] I went in there to open the lock.
Dungeon Master says, "Because of that, it would be hard to turn it in this
-> Fixyn whistles and says something in Sylvan.
Dungeon Master says, "At least without tremendous strain upon anyone holding
-> Kaelyn comes and tries to slip through the bars.
Phailo says, "Two people to hold the corner."
DMA [ooc] Some kind of roll for Kaelyn squeezing through?
Dungeon Master says, "escape artist"
Phailo says, "Then we can pivot the cages."
DMA [ooc] Right, I'll look it up.
Aprocter [ooc] Squeezing rules are found in the combat section, you can do it
    at half movement speed
DMK [ooc] Movement speed isn't important at the minute, I don't think. Besides,
    for such a big creature, it is harder than for a human.
Xander [ooc] plenty fast enough, but pushing an animal to do it might be more
    complicated. but do it
[ROLL] DMA (Kaelyn escape artist) rolls d20: 8
[ROLL] DMA (Kaelyn escape artist) adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, DMA (Kaelyn escape artist) totals: 10
[ooc] Dungeon Master nods.
Chiyon says, "Fixyn, don't you have some spells you can use to help us here?"
Dungeon Master says, "Kaelyn slips through the bars..."
Fixyn says, "Not today - I guess I wasn't expecting any such thing to happen."
Xander says, "Untie the rope and come through"
-> Fixyn follows her wolf through.
Chiyon tries to pet Kaelyn.
Xander [ooc] to phailo
-> Fixyn untied the rope first.
Phailo [ooc] I'm back on your side.
Bodyless Female Voice says, "Careful not to fall, we wouldn't want any
    accidents. But then, that lute player seemed more than willing to jump,
    why not give it a go?"
Xander [ooc] is the rope untied?
[ooc] Phailo nods.
Chiyon says, "Show yourself! You fiend!"
DMK [ooc] Yes, as far as I can tell.
Aprocter says, "Are we all dolls in your dollhouse, that you toy with us?"
-> Kaelyn sniffs Chiyon, then allows him to stroke her.
Phailo [ooc] Fixyn did it.
Bodyless Female Voice says, "I need to see if you are ready to save
Xander says, "Ok so are we ready for me to let go?"
DMK [ooc] None of you have heard of wonderland.
Chiyon says, "What is she talking about?"
Phailo shrugs.
Fixyn says, "Are we in Wonderland? How did you bring us here?"
Aprocter says, "Fine. We'll save it for you. Show us where it is and we'll keep
    it safe. But why not just ask us, instead of imprisoning us?"
Aprocter says, "I may be wrong, but that may not be the best way to win our
Bodyless Female Voice says, "In the corner of the room there is a rabbit hole,
    follow it along."
Xander [ooc] ok so i am not holding it anymore?
Bodyless Female Voice says, "I must test you."
Phailo [ooc] Correct. We are all in the one cage now.
Xander [ooc] doesnt mean the cages are apart
Aprocter says, "Thanks for the instructions. At least we know what YOU want us
    to do."
DMK [ooc] Everybody is in one cage, Xander is still holding it. And Chiyon is
    attempting to as well.
Aprocter says, "I'm assuming we do not have the option of going home and
    letting someone else save your wonder land?"
Fixyn says, "Yes, you can let it go now."
Chiyon lets go of the cage.
Xander says, "ok, ready?"
Xander releases the cage and lets it swing freely again
Bodyless Female Voice says, "Of all the heroes in the land, you were the ones
    most capable, most skilled. A fire of curiosity, adventure and magic runs
    through your veins."
Chiyon says, "That doesn't win you my respect!"
Aprocter says, "Of course. Remind me again how the church organist is the hero
    you need for saving your country."
Dungeon Master says, "Both cages were pulled together in the middle, and as
    Xander lets go, they swing apart and the cage everybody is in hit the
Xander is super impressed by this, but finds it unbelievable
DMK [ooc] Okay, Albecrow wants to join in... But a little late.
Chiyon says, "Argh!"
DMA [ooc] He was in the cage asleep.
Albecrow wakes up
Albecrow says, "hu?"
[ooc] Aprocter gives it a thumbs up.
Aprocter says, "Oh hi."
Dungeon Master says, "So the rope is now hanging down to the floor?"
Xander stabalised himself
Albecrow says, "hello"
Phailo says, "Good morning, or evening, as the case may be."
Albecrow says, "ok?"
Fixyn says, "Hi. I'm Fixyn, and this is my wolf Kaelyn."
Xander gives Albecrow a nod in greeting and says, "Glad you woke, I was
    thinking how i was going to carry you down from here"
Phailo says, "I am Phailo."
DMK [ooc] So, what does everybody want to do? You're now all in one cage, with
    the door unlocked and the rope hanging down to the floor.
Albecrow says, "im albecrow. were are we?"
Chiyon says, "I'm Chiyon."
DMK [ooc] You have 6 people to get down the rope and a wolf.
Chiyon says, "I'll climb first."
Albecrow nods
Phailo says, "We're in a place called wonderland."
Xander looks at Chiyon the Bard.
Chiyon says, "Walks over to the rope."
Xander says, "Wait"
Aprocter says, "We have a test to do, apparently. If we fail, I suppose we get
    sent home."
Xander says, "why are you the best to go first?"
Chiyon says, "I'm not."
Aprocter says, "Who wants to fail this quickly and get back to life?"
Xander says, "I think it should be me"
Chiyon says, "Okay."
Chiyon steps out of the way.
Xander says, "I am stronger and may be able catch anybody who falls after wards"
Dungeon Master says, "I can stop you bleeding, but only if I'm down there."
DMK [ooc] You meant to say that as fixyn, right?
Albecrow steps back
DMA [ooc] Yeah, sorry.
Albecrow says, "il go last"
Phailo says, "Fixyn, how will we carry Kaelyn?"
Bodyless says, "Female Voice Puppy can jump, as can you all."
Fixyn says, "Does the rope reach the ground?"
DMK [ooc] sigh
Bodyless Female Voice says, "Puppy can jump, as can you all."
Chiyon says, "Yes, the rope just about touches the floor."
Xander says, "We can jump?"
Chiyon says, "I'm not jumping! I'm not a crazy psychopath like you!"
Fixyn says, "Then once someone is down, I can tie the rope around her and
    lower her."
Aprocter says, "Hey, it's not that bad. It's like looking down from the top of
    a grand organ."
Aprocter says, "I'll go down."
Xander says, "I am happy to climb, but how much do we trust this voice?"
Chiyon says, "What choice do we have?"
Aprocter says, "I don't."
Aprocter nods at Chiyon.
Xander says, "we seem to be at the person's mercy, i think we should try it"
Fixyn says, "Why would you have been at the TOP of your organ? That is not
    where you play from."
Xander goes to the door
Aprocter says, "The other option is: Jump, and land on your head. If you're
    dreaming, and you die, you should wake up - right?"
Xander says, "right"
Phailo says, "If it wants us to save the wonderland, it would want to keep us
    safe, right?"
Aprocter [ooc] Or if this is Liddell Syndrome, then when you die, you find
    yourself in hell for a while - until you get a chance to return.
Xander says, "Wish me luck"
Albecrow says, "are you crazy?! we climb, its safeer"
[ooc] Dungeon Master grins.
Aprocter says, "That's assuming she's telling the truth."
Xander jumps
Xander [ooc] that ok?
Aprocter begins climbing down the rope, while Xander takes the shortcut
Dungeon Master says, "Xander plummets towards the ground with frightning speed,
    but as he is about to painfully smack into the ground, his fall is slowed
    and he lands unharmed."
Chiyon is in horror as he watches Xander leap.
[ROLL] Aprocter (untrained Climb) rolls d20: 15
[ROLL] Aprocter (untrained Climb) adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] For d20+1, Aprocter (untrained Climb) totals: 16
Dungeon Master nods at Aprocter.
Xander [ooc] want me to roll a jump check dm? else let me know what happens
Fixyn says, "Wha??"
DMK [ooc] Nah, you're just doing a leap of faith, no distance, target or height
Chiyon [ooc] 50 foot drop.
Aprocter [ooc] You would normally roll damage for when you land, but since
    someone cast Feather Ball, err Feather Fall, you're fine.
Phailo says, "That is strange." He calls out, "Thanks for testing that, Xander""
Xander [ooc] oh that strange i completly miss your response... my bad
Albecrow stares in disbelief
-> Fixyn says to Kaelyn, "Come!" and jumps with her.
Xander [ooc] i was looking out for it and didnt see it... +embarressed+
Fixyn says, "Obviously magic."
Phailo says, "Anyone still want to use the rope?"
Chiyon says, "No, i feel like jumping now."
DMK arrives.
DMK [ooc] Sorry, d/c
Xander says, "Clearly, if our capter wished us harm they would not have locked
    us in a cage. they would have just done it. Plus it was fun!"
Xander [ooc] capter... that doesnt seem right... +fails at words+
DMK [ooc] Captor.
Aprocter [ooc] Captor
Phailo unties the rope and coils it up for next time.
Chiyon says, "Chiyon jumps."
Chiyon [ooc] whoops.
Phailo jumps down.
Chiyon [ooc] brain lag
Chiyon jumps.
Albecrow says, "shall i jump then?"
DMA [ooc] Did someone untie the rope?
Phailo [ooc] Yes
Xander [ooc] phailo did
Dungeon Master says, "Chiyon's fall is slowed also."
DMA [ooc] Oh right. Sorry.
Xander says, "come on! dont be scared."
Chiyon says, "Woo! That was fun!"
Albecrow jumps down the hole
DMK [ooc] By the way, bear in mind Albecrow is 10 years old, so excuse poor
    spelling or such.
Aprocter inspects the rabbit hole
Dungeon Master says, "Everyone who jumps lands unharmed."
Xander [ooc] poor spelling? you mean worse than mine?
Aprocter [ooc] I'd rather a 10-year-old who at least attempts to take care than
    an adult who can't be bothered. You're fine, Albe.
Xander [ooc] hey! hey! i try!
DMA [ooc] Like with anything else, it's fine as long as we can understand it.
Albecrow [ooc] good
DMA [ooc] Yes, Aprocter was only saying in principle.
DMK [ooc] Just thought I'd mention it. Anyway. Has everyone jumped to the
    ground now?
Aprocter [ooc] Apart from me. I climbed.
Albecrow [ooc] im out
DMA [ooc] Yes, we're all down.
Dungeon Master says, "You're now all in a stone room, with two large steel
    cages hanging above you. There is a hole in one corner."
Xander is glad he was the first one down
Phailo [ooc] How big is the hole?
DMK [ooc] Big enough to fit one crawling person, or a wolf.
Albecrow get to his feet
Xander [ooc] a dark hole?
DMK [ooc] Yes. It's dark.
-> Fixyn puts a hand on Kaelyn's neck and goes to look at the hole.
Xander goes with her and peers down
Phailo goes to the hole too.
Aprocter pulls out his accordion and plays a 'lace card' to listen for the
Albecrow searches thr room
[ROLL] Albecrow rolls d20: 17
[ROLL] Albecrow adds a bonus of 6
[ROLL] For d20 +6, Albecrow totals: 23
Aprocter [ooc] That's holding down all keys and pumping hard. Quite dissonant
    but good for testing echoes.
Dungeon Master says, "You don't see much down the hole, other than it appears
    go horizontal and then seems to dip down and you can't see further. The
    echo is a second or two delayed."
-> Fixyn winces and tries to cover both her own and Kaelyn's ears at the same
Aprocter says, "Well, we aren't short of hole."
Albecrow says, "thers blood here!"
Xander says, "I'll be the first, as there are no options... wait what?"
Phailo goes to where Albecrow is.
Xander turns to look at Albecrow
Albecrow says, "dried blood on te floor"
DMA [ooc] I'm thinking of Sleuth now.
Dungeon Master says, "The blood Albecrow is referring to is a dried, old
    bloodstain on the floor, for anyone who looks at it."
Albecrow [ooc] i cnt type
Phailo says, "Can anyone here read tracks?"
DMA [ooc] That's all right, Albecrow, we can understand it.
Aprocter says, "I can read music...?"
Phailo says to Aprocter, "Music and tracks aren't the same."
Albecrow sits down
DMA [ooc] Albecrow, you're the ranger.
Albecrow [ooc] iknow
Albecrow [ooc] for gods sake i fail
Phailo [ooc] You can roll survival to track.
[ROLL] Albecrow rolls d20: 5
[ROLL] Albecrow adds a bonus of 6
[ROLL] For d20 +6, Albecrow totals: 11
Bodyless Female Voice says, "Venture down the rabbit hole to fulfill your
Aprocter says, "Yeah, I'm not a fan of destiny thanks."
Aprocter says, "Can I take a raincheck on that?"
Albecrow looks up
Fixyn says, "What happened here? Whose blood is this?"
Xander says, "we are just interested in this blood"
Xander [ooc] cept fixyn said it better :P
Albecrow says, "maybe"
Albecrow says, "it looks like animal blood"
Albecrow says, "a rat?"
Phailo says, "Well, if it's only a rat, we shouldn't need to be afraid."
Albecrow says, "hopefully"
Xander says, "yeah i am not worried about that, its to be expected even."
Phailo says, "Lets go through the tunnel now."
Aprocter says, "Okay. You first."
Aprocter gallantly allows Phailo ahead
Phailo bends down and crawls into the tunnel.
Xander goes over to, and climbs into, the rabbit hole
Xander [ooc] hey me first!
Xander [ooc] :P
Dungeon Master says, "Phailo, followed by Xander crawl down the hole. They
    continue for several feet before phailo falls forward and disappears from
Bodyless Female Voice says, "He is not harmed."
Dungeon Master says, "Do you still continue, Xander?"
Albecrow crawls inn to the hole after them
Xander [ooc] sigh, i was waiting at the hole and somehow he made it into it
    before me :P, anyway
Xander continues
Aprocter follows
Xander hopes Kord is not mad at him for being 2nd
Xander [ooc] :P
Dungeon Master says, "You all crawl into the hall and began to fall, as Phailo
Aprocter says, "Either we're indestructible here, or it doesn't matter if we
    die. Let's take shortcuts."
Albecrow says, "er best not"
Dungeon Master says, "You seem to all be falling together, near to each other.
    You fall seemingly endlessly, but slowly, past cupboards and shelves,
    almost as if in a kitchen."
Fixyn says, "Well, I'll try to patch you up if you get hurt."
Dungeon Master says, "Oh, except Fixyn and KAelyn, who didn't go in..."
Dungeon Master says, "My bad."
Xander looks in the cupboards for some food
Aprocter says, "I don't think it's possible to get hurt. Let's just enjoy the
DMA [ooc] Yeah, I was just asleep and forgot to say we went down.
Dungeon Master says, "Okay, you're all falling"
Dungeon Master says, "Xander, roll search..."
Aprocter picks up something off a cupboard and inspects it
Fixyn says, "Who builds a kitchen vertically?"
Aprocter doesn't drop it for fear of hurting someone down below, and places it
    on something as he passes
[ROLL] Xander (search for food) rolls d20: 19
[ROLL] Xander (search for food) adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] For d20+1, Xander (search for food) totals: 20
Dungeon Master says, "The wind continues to rush past you as you fall."
Dungeon Master says, "You can't see the floor or where the fall will ent."
Albecrow [ooc] the game
Dungeon Master says, "Nobody want to do anything else?"
Xander falls over to Fixyn and says, "What do you make of this, i found it in
    one of the cupboards and cant make sense of it"
Chiyon [ooc] i just can't wait to get out of this room
Xander [ooc] wait who is playing fixyn?
-> Fixin looks at Xander's object.
DMA [ooc] I am.
Aprocter looks for anything musical
Dungeon Master says, "All of a sudden, you all land in a haystack, completely
DMA [ooc] She's an NPC, I'm just playing her for this session.
Chiyon [ooc] What's around us?
[ROLL] Aprocter rolls d20: 14
Albecrow stumbles out of the haystack
Xander [ooc] ok, then i should choose who else i feel i should show quick
Xander looks at Albecrow the Ranger.
Aprocter says, "Hello haystack. Where's the traditional pitchfork?"
DMK [ooc] Just a plain, circular room.
Xander [ooc] can i fall over to albecrow instead?
Chiyon [ooc] any exits or is it just solid?
Xander [ooc] oops i missed the haystack nm
DMK [ooc] Around the haystack, that is, with a corridor
Phailo crawls out and looks for a pitchfork to satisfy Aprocter.
Dungeon Master says, "Want to roll search for that? :P"
[ROLL] Phailo (search) rolls d20: 15
[ROLL] Phailo (search) adds a bonus of 6
[ROLL] For d20+6, Phailo (search) totals: 21
DMA [ooc] :)
Phailo doesn't see a pitchfork.
Aprocter dusts himself off, picks up his accordion, and starts strolling
Phailo says, "Sorry, this is a haystack-without-a-pitchfork."
Dungeon Master says, "Do you all leave the haystack?"
-> Fixyn follows the crowd.
Xander too
Phailo follows too.
Chiyon marches along.
Albecrow says, "strolls carfully"
Albecrow [ooc] damn
Xander says, "So anybody heard of this 'Wonderland'?"
Dungeon Master says, "You all find yourselves in a large, mostly circular room
    with a table in the middle. The floor is of a red carpet and paintings
    cover the walls, except for doors positioned randomly."
DMA [ooc] Take it easy, Albe. The syntax is ;strolls carefully
Phailo shakes his head at Xander.
Aprocter heads over to the table
Fixyn says, "Not I."
Aprocter [ooc] Is there anything of interest on the table?
Xander [ooc] yay symbol of kord!
Xander joins aprocter
DMK [ooc] A small bottle and a tiny key.
Chiyon [ooc] is the bottle filled at all?
-> Fixyn examines a door at random.
Aprocter wasn't coming apart, he still has plenty of sanity
Aprocter picks up the bottle and looks for the nutritional information block
Dungeon Master says, "The bottle isn't marked, except for "Drink Me" written on
    it in a cursive script."
Chiyon drinks the bottle.
Aprocter would recommend drinking the contents instead
Albecrow fingers the key
Dungeon Master says, "You're not holding the bottle, Chiyon."
Chiyon picks up the bottle.
Aprocter is
DMA [ooc] Presumably the bottle only holds enough for one person.
Aprocter says, "Well, well, well. A bottle that comes with instructions."
DMK [ooc] Yes.
Aprocter attempts to open the bottle.
Aprocter picks up the key with his other hand
Chiyon says, "Hey! Hands off!"
Dungeon Master says, "The bottle comes unstopped easily."
DMK [ooc] Albecrow is holding the key... And Aprocter is holding the bottle.
Aprocter says, "Odd. A bottle and a key, but the bottle has no lock. Well,
    let's see. If this kills me, then I recommend someone drink the key and try
    to unlock something with the bottle."
Aprocter [ooc] Albecrow only fingered the key, didn't pick it up
Aprocter [ooc] I picked it up.
DMK [ooc] Ah, yes.
Aprocter puts the bottle to his mouth and upends it.
Albecrow says, "carful"
Dungeon Master says, "Nothing appears to happen."
Albecrow says, "what happend?"
-> Fixyn moves around each door, looking through the keyholes.
Phailo picks up the key.
Phailo says, "May be useful sometime."
Albecrow walks to a door and tries to open it
Aprocter still has the key
Phailo [ooc] I thought you had the bottle.
DMK [ooc] He picked up both.
Phailo [ooc] OK.
Albecrow says, "just checking"
Fixyn says, "There's a forest through this one, with a lake. Very pretty."
Albecrow says, "lets go"
Aprocter says, "That sounds like a place someone would call wonderland"
Voice In Your Heads says, "Welcome to Wonderland."
Dungeon Master says, "You all hear the voice in your head, almost like it
    bypassed your ears."
Albecrow frowns
Albecrow says, "strange"
Phailo says, "You heard it too?"
Xander arrives.
Xander [ooc] bk sorry
Fixyn says, "Voices of someone hidden are one thing. Voices that don't use
    sound are quite another."
Xander [ooc] i think i missed something that wasnt in my last missed
DMA [ooc] Like any other "last", you can put a number on it.
DMK [ooc] Aprocter drank the contents of the bottle, nothing happens. Everybody
    heard a voice in their heads that said "welcome to wonderland." And Fixyn
    saw a lakeside through one keyhole.
Aprocter [ooc] 'help last', Xander
DMK [ooc] And Aprocter is still holding the key.
Aprocter goes to Fixyn's door and seeks to open it (without the key first)
Aprocter [ooc] Is it locked
Dungeon Master says, "The door has a knob for a handle. As you grab it, it
    grumbles at you, but opens smoothly."
Aprocter steps through
Phailo follows him.
Chiyon follows.
Albecrow wanders over
Albecrow goes WOW nice!
Dungeon Master says, "You all find yourself by a lake, in a tall forest. There
    is a dirt path to follow."
-> Fixyn steps through and basks in the natural beauty of it.
Dungeon Master says, "The other side of the lake cannot be seen; the lake is
    too big."
Phailo looks around in wonder, but ther trots down the path.
Aprocter follows the yellow dirt road
-> Fixyn follows anyone who seems to have a plan.
Dungeon Master says, "All of a sudden, three enormous mice, as big as a human,
    block your path."
Albecrow steps back
Aprocter plays a sting of "Three Blind Mice" on the accordion
Chiyon accomponies Aprocter with his lute.
Mouse says, "Invaders! Traitors! Defilers! What are you doing in our forest?!"
Fixyn says, "Fight or run?"
Phailo [ooc] How close are they?
DMK [ooc] One moment, let me sort out the grid.
Aprocter says, "Oh, we've been called here to save wonderland."
Aprocter says, "Can you direct us to the best part to save please?"
Xander [ooc] ok fighting with pc and sorting out that IRL campaign. but i
    should be back now unless the phone cuts out again
Dungeon Master says, "Arrange yourselves as you see fit, keeping at least 20ft
[ooc] Aprocter is there. On the path.
Aprocter [ooc] Xander, why is your token red?
Mouse says, "You don't belong here. Whom do you claim allegiance with? The
    Queen of Hearts?"
Xander [ooc] its not read its orange... its Kord's (my deity) holy symbol
Mouse2 says, "They are the white queen's servants!"
-> Fixyn stands behind Kaelyn, ready to cast something if her friends want to
Mouse3 says, "No! They serve the Hatter like us."
Aprocter says, "I serve good music and those who wish to listen. Would you like
    a demonstration?"
Xander says, "Maybe they are just confused. Greetings, I am Xander, Cleric of
Fixyn says, "I serve the forces of nature."
Mouse says, "Enough! Let us be rid of them! They are in our home!"
Aprocter says, "Sorry! Show us the parts we're meant to save and we'll get on
    with saving them."
Dungeon Master says, "All three mice ready themselves for a fight."
[INIT] DMK calls for initiative rolls.
Type 'roll (init) d20+X' to do so, where X is your bonus to initiative.
Xander [ooc] can imagine the wolf licking its lips
[ROLL] Chiyon (init) rolls d20: 11
[ROLL] Phailo (init) rolls d20: 18
[ROLL] Phailo (init) adds a bonus of 4
[ROLL] For d20+4, Phailo (init) totals: 22
[ROLL] DMA (Fixyn init) rolls d20: 18
[ROLL] DMA (Fixyn init) adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, DMA (Fixyn init) totals: 20
[ROLL] Aprocter (init) rolls d20: 16
[ROLL] Aprocter (init) adds a bonus of 6
[ROLL] For d20+6, Aprocter (init) totals: 22
[ROLL] Xander (init) rolls d20: 5
Chiyon [ooc] mine's 13, i should have mod +2'd
Phailo [ooc] 13 is +1.
Xander [ooc] aww i was just thinking hey somebody else with no modifier
[ROLL] Albecrow (init) rolls d20: 12
[ROLL] Albecrow (init) adds a bonus of 5
[ROLL] For d20+5, Albecrow (init) totals: 17
[ROLL] DMK (Mouse1 init) rolls d20: 18
[ROLL] DMK (Mouse1 init) adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, DMK (Mouse1 init) totals: 20
[ROLL] DMK (mouse2 init) rolls d20: 10
[ROLL] DMK (mouse2 init) adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, DMK (mouse2 init) totals: 12
[ROLL] DMK (mouse3 init) rolls d20: 11
[ROLL] DMK (mouse3 init) adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, DMK (mouse3 init) totals: 13
Phailo [ooc] Put Aprocter first in inits.
DMA [ooc] Done
DMK [ooc] done
[ooc] Aprocter grins.
Xander [ooc] lol
Aprocter [ooc] One of you dropped Phailo, the other raised me. Okay!
DMA [ooc] Mouse 3 and Chiyon need a tiebreaker
Chiyon [ooc] same roll?
Phailo [ooc] Fixyn and mouse1 need a tiebreaker too.
DMA [ooc] Naked d20
[ROLL] Chiyon rolls d20: 8
DMA [ooc] True.
[ROLL] DMA (mouse 3) rolls d20: 3
Chiyon cheers.
[ROLL] DMA (Fixyn) rolls d20: 16
[ROLL] DMA (mouse 1) rolls d20: 14
DMA [ooc] PCs get them all!
Dungeon Master says, "Right, Aprocter, do something :)"
Aprocter begins pumping the accordion and singing.
Aprocter sings "There's a royal banner given for display to the soldiers of
    the Queen"
Aprocter [ooc] Inspire Courage.
[ooc] Phailo laughs out loud!
Fixyn says, "Might be a bad choice of words. I don't think we serve any Queen."
Aprocter [ooc] +1 to attack and damage rolls for as long as I keep singing and
    playing, plus five more rounds after.
Chiyon [ooc] If i use MY Inspire courage, will that stack?
Aprocter [ooc] I don't think s
Aprocter [ooc] It's a "morale bonus" so it won't stack with other morale bonuses
DMK [ooc] Right! End?
Aprocter [ooc] Oh. Yep, sorry.
Dungeon Master says, "Phail"
Dungeon Master says, "Phailo*"
[ooc] Phailo nods.
Phailo unslings his bow and fires at M2.
[ooc] Xander  waits his turn patiently thinking about how displeased Kord must
    be at him for losing init roll :P
[ROLL] Phailo (hit) rolls d20: 6
[ROLL] Phailo (hit) adds a bonus of 4
[ROLL] Phailo (hit) adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] Phailo (hit) adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] For d20+4+1+1, Phailo (hit) totals: 12
Dungeon Master shakes her head.
Phailo ends.
Dungeon Master says, "Fixyn?"
DMA [ooc] nod
Chiyon [ooc] where are the modifiers for hit chance?
[ooc] Phailo has a questioning look on his face.
DMK [ooc] Yours is 0 normally, but +1 because of the courage being inspired...
DMK [ooc] You have 0 BAB.
Aprocter [ooc] For a melee attack, you also add your STR bonus
DMK [ooc] He has 11 str.
Aprocter [ooc] Oh.
-> Fixyn points to the nearest mouse and tells Kaelyn, "Attack," and flings a
    dagger at the same one.
[ROLL] DMA (dagger) rolls d20: 6
[ROLL] DMA (dagger) adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] For d20+1, DMA (dagger) totals: 7
Dungeon Master says, "The dagger misses any of the mice."
Dungeon Master says, "End?"
DMA [ooc] Wait. Can't find the stuff about the companion.
DMA [ooc] I'm pretty sure companions move on their owner's turn.
Aprocter [ooc] It doesn't make a lot of difference. Pick one way and go with it.
DMK [ooc] Just move on Fixyn's turn
-> Kaelyn moves toward the the mouse in a fighting crouch.
-> Kaelyn snaps her jaws at the mouse.
[ROLL] DMA (Kaelyn bite) rolls d20: 10
[ROLL] DMA (Kaelyn bite) adds a bonus of 3
[ROLL] For d20+3, DMA (Kaelyn bite) totals: 13
Dungeon Master nods.
Aprocter [ooc] Kaelyn should get the courage bonus I think
DMA [ooc] Oh yes. Forgot that.
[ooc] Xander  misses his two screens from his other PC
[ROLL] DMA (Kaelyn bite dmg) rolls d6: 6
[ROLL] DMA (Kaelyn bite dmg) adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] DMA (Kaelyn bite dmg) adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] For d6+1+1, DMA (Kaelyn bite dmg) totals: 8
Dungeon Master says, "The mouse falls to the ground, bleeding badly (Mouse2 is
DMA [ooc] She gets a trip attack - or is that not necessary?>
Aprocter [ooc] I think the mouse is quite tripped
DMA [ooc] I mean, is the mouse already - yeah
DMK [ooc] Not necessary
Xander [ooc] its down already, but good on remembering :)
[ooc] Aprocter sing To tri-hip it up aaaaaaand down!
DMA [ooc] OK. End then.
Dungeon Master says, "Do you want to move on the grid, too?"
-> Mouse1 moves up to Chiyon and bites at him.
DMA [ooc] No
Xander [ooc] he nommed the mouse with his mind!
Chiyon says, "Arghgh!"
[ROLL] DMK (Mouse1 to hit Chiyon) rolls d20: 3
[ROLL] DMK (Mouse1 to hit Chiyon) adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, DMK (Mouse1 to hit Chiyon) totals: 5
DMA [ooc] I moved Kaelyn, but she moved back.
Dungeon Master says, "The mouse missed."
Chiyon smiles.
Dungeon Master says, "Albecrow"
Albecrow says, "shoots at mouse 3 with bow"
[ROLL] Albecrow rolls d20: 13
[ROLL] Albecrow adds a bonus of 6
[ROLL] For d20+6, Albecrow totals: 19
[ooc] Aprocter ponders a MouseMove event
Xander [ooc] lol
Dungeon Master says, "You hit."
[ROLL] Albecrow rolls d8: 2
[ROLL] Albecrow adds a bonus of 1
[ROLL] For d8+1, Albecrow totals: 3
Albecrow says, "end"
Dungeon Master says, "Chiyon."
Chiyon swings at Mouse 1.
[ROLL] Chiyon (to hit) rolls d20: 1
Chiyon [ooc] ...
Albecrow stares at the lake
Xander [ooc] swings what? fists?
Chiyon [ooc] my short sword
Dungeon Master says, "You got +1 on that, so it's not a critical failure...
Chiyon [ooc] End
Xander [ooc] soz, probably me not reading everything... i seem to be missing
    some things
Albecrow kneels
DMA [ooc] Albecrow, that's a move action, and you can only take move and
    standard actions on your own turn.
DMA [ooc] Also, we're in the middle of battle. You don't want to be that
-> Mouse3 attacks Kaelyn
[ROLL] DMK rolls d20: 8
[ROLL] DMK adds a bonus of 2
[ROLL] For d20+2, DMK totals: 10
Dungeon Master says, "Does that hit?"
DMA [ooc] Sorry, Kaelyn. Nope.
Dungeon Master says, "Xander turn."
DMA [ooc] Wolves have Dex.
Xander yells "STOP!"
Xander contines while moving up to the fallen mouse, "I think it is clear by
    how easy your friend who addressed us has fallen that we can best you in
Mouse says, "You must be stopped! You cannot be allowed to pass!"
Jim arrives.
Chiyon [ooc] That's just my mate, he was interested in this.
Aprocter sings "Marching on, marching on..."
Jim says, "hello"
Xander says, "And as much as I would like to give you a beating myself in the
    name of Kord. Can you please give hme some idea of where we are."
Phailo waves at Jim.
Mouse3 says, "We do not wish to fight any more."
Xander says, "We are confused. We were told you needed help."
Xander casts cure minor wounds on mouse 2 (stabalises and +1 hp
Mouse3 says, "This land is in turmoil."
-> Both Mice stare in wonder as Xander heals their friend.
Mouse says, "Was that magic?"
Xander says, "It is a blessing from Kord to assure your friend will survive."
Xander takes out a pack of trail rations, come lets sit by this beautiful lake
    and share a meal.
Xander [ooc] ^and says waht is after the ','
Albecrow [ooc] brb
Dungeon Master says, "Magic is outlawed unless you own a permit from swearing
    fealty to either of the queens."
Dungeon Master says, "Oops"
Mouse3 says, "Magic is outlawed unless you own a permit from swearing fealty
    to either of the queens."
Aprocter says, "Any music, sufficiently well played, is indistinguishable from
Aprocter says, "We don't need magic, only skill."
Chiyon says, "This is ridiculous!"
Mouse says, "Come stay with us in Chessboard, we will look after you."
Xander says, "Be calm."
Chiyon says, "No way."
Xander says, "who are the queens"
Xander says, "what is this place."
-> The mice look taken aback.
Chiyon stares at the mice readying his sword.
Mouse says, "This is Wonderland. The White Queen and the Red Queen rule this
    land. Are you not from around here?"
Xander offers some of his rations first to the mice then to the others
Mouse says, "Come, we will care for you. IF you stay here, you will surely be
    caught. I decline your offer of food, for we have little time."
-> Fixyn summons Kaelyn back to her side.
Chiyon swings at Mouse 1!
Xander says, "No. You might be leading us into a trap."
Mouse3 says, "The penalty is death. Do not fight us!"
[ROLL] Chiyon (to hit mouse 1 with sword) rolls d20: 8
-> The Mouse dodge's Chiyon's attack.
Xander says, "My companions are right we have no reason to trust you yet."
Xander [ooc] oh crap
Aprocter stops singing
Mouse says, "Do not attack us! We have no reason to fight. If you truly wish
    to save us, head into Chessboard and ask the people there. It is a half
    mile down this path."
-> Both mice turn and scurry away without a backwards glance.
Fixyn says, "Wait, Chiyon! Let's hear what they want to say first."
Xander [ooc] how are inits working atm, if we are out of inits can i cast
    enlarge person on myself?
DMK [ooc] No inits. We're not in combat anymore.
Chiyon always hated mice.
DMK [ooc] Looks like you scared them off, Chiyon.
Chiyon says, "They tried to kill us, then they offer us such things? The nerve!"
Xander casts enlarge person on himself
Phailo says, "Let's go to Chessboard and see if they welcome us."
Fixyn says, "Let's see what they meant. It seems as good a way as any to find
    out what's going on."
Phailo nods at Fixyn.
Chiyon says, "Why not? Fine."
DMK [ooc] I need to wrap this session up soon.
Xander Tries to intimidate Chiyon, "YOU DARE STAND IN THE WAY OF THE WILL OF
Chiyon isn't scared, only amazed at Xander's size.
Xander [ooc] you shoulc be scared i get +4 on my roll :P
DMK [ooc] Provided you roll...
Chiyon [ooc] Oh dear, this could get scary.
[ROLL] Xander (intimidate) rolls d20: 12
[ROLL] Xander (intimidate) adds a bonus of 6
[ROLL] For d20+6, Xander (intimidate) totals: 18
Dungeon Master says, "You're intimidated"
Chiyon crapped his pants.
Xander looks at Phailo the human Rogue.
Xander [ooc] who was the ranger?
Phailo [ooc] Albecrow
Xander looks at Albecrow the Ranger.
DMK [ooc] I need to head off, as does Albecrow
Xander says, "See if you can follow them Albecrow. Find out where 'Chessboard'
Xander [ooc] kk
Chiyon [ooc] Okay.
DMK [ooc] DMA will finish up, thanks for coming everyone. Next session will be
    in two weeks...
Phailo [ooc] Good place to stop now.
Aprocter [ooc] Two weeks? No Christmas episode? Aww :)
Xander says, "Phailo, bring that rope, lets tie up this one(indicating chiyon)
    if we dont they will never let us stay with them"
Chiyon swings at Xander!
[ROLL] Chiyon (to hit Xander with sword) rolls d20: 10
Aprocter strikes up a new tune.
DMK [ooc] I'm really busy over christmas. Thanks for coming!
Xander [ooc] you are intimidated so take -ves etc...
DMK heads home.
Chiyon says, "Ves?"
Albecrow heads home.
Jim says, "home"
Jim travels out.
Chiyon travels out.
Xander grapples with chyiyon (i would win, just saying)
Phailo [ooc] We on inits again?
Jim has gone linkdead.
Xander [ooc] aww taht was all quite sudden
Aprocter casts Prestidigitation and starts making cool tricks happen in the
Chiyon has gone linkdead.
Aprocter says, "Roll up roll up, fight between Xander and Chiyon!"
Xander [ooc] hehe
Xander [ooc] i think i would be able to grapple him while enlarged sufficiently
    to get him tied down. and i hope albe could track the mice but i guess we
    find out next time
DMA [ooc] XP for the mice is 150 each. I'm offering XP for anyone who stops
    this fight.
Aprocter [ooc] Why stop it? More fun to let it keep going!
[ooc] Aprocter is C more than G
Xander [ooc] i think tying him up is sufficent 'stopping'
[ooc] Phailo grins.
DMA [ooc] And I thought you were trying to distract them, Aprocter.
Aprocter [ooc] Nah.
DMA [ooc] It could be, Xander, but you do need to get to Chessboard.
[ooc] DMA gives up and uses the NPC.
Xander [ooc] well i havent heard anybody say anything about what is happening
    wrt the tracking etc
Aprocter says, "Oh well. If you're done fighting, shall we find this
Aprocter says, "I wouldn't mind playing a game or two."
Xander says, "Indeed"
DMA [ooc] Follow the road?
Xander [ooc] well can we just assume our ranger will follow and keep up with
Phailo nods.
Aprocter marches down the road singing "Place where the riches of ages are
Xander picks up the now tied up chiyon person and carry him to chessboard
Fixyn says, "Come on, lets get going."
Xander [ooc] how mcuh does chiyon weigh?
DMA [ooc] Not a lot, especially with you big.
DMA [ooc] Are you all going to Chessboard?
Aprocter [ooc] I don't see why not.
[ooc] Phailo nods.
Xander [ooc] well i can carry 230lbs as a heavy load
Aprocter [ooc] --> help url
Aprocter [ooc] Xander, Enlarge Person gives you +2 STR
Xander [ooc] i am going to assume it takes longer than my casting time to get
    there :P but thanks
Dungeon Master says, "You come to a village with a floor made entirely of
    checkered tiles like for a live chess set."
Xander [ooc] so should we start the next session there? arriving at chessboard
    with chiyon tied up having just attacked the mice
Aprocter switches songs to "The Old Grandfather Clock"
Dungeon Master says, "The inhabitants are a mix of humanoid and animal, an all
    of them mutter together at the sight of the enlarged Xander."
Xander [ooc] i am only enlarged for about 1 min i think
Dungeon Master says, "(Mutter together in small groups)"
DMA [ooc] Do you? Let me check the spell.
Xander [ooc] 1min per leve
Xander [ooc] just checked now
DMA [ooc] So it is. OK, ingore that bit then.
Xander [ooc] so, i am sorry if i do not make the next session having played
    such an important roll in this one
Xander [ooc] i will try. Was fantastic
Dungeon Master says, "There is some muttering, but mainly the inhabitants go
    about their business with mere curious glances at you."
Xander [ooc] just to be clear do i get the bonus 150exp for stopping the fight?
DMA [ooc] I didn't say 150, but yes.
Xander [ooc] oh then i read it wrong, what was it?
DMA [ooc] 50, I think, since you were in it and it was easier for you.
Xander [ooc] oh yes you just said xp
[ooc] Dungeon Master nods.
Xander [ooc] ok so start the next one with the arrival at chessboard?
[ooc] Phailo nods.
Dungeon Master says, "You're in a new town. What do you do?"
Phailo [ooc] Sounds good.
Aprocter says, "I look for a building that might house an organ."
DMA [ooc] No, DMK said to get you there today. You'll start next time in
Xander [ooc] well we are in chessboard... idk...
Xander [ooc] some of our players have left when dmk left
Dungeon Master says, "The village appears too small to have a church."
Phailo [ooc] It's a hamlet
DMA [ooc] Yep. It has a chapel, and the biggest building in the village is the
Aprocter [ooc] Unlikely target. Oky.
Xander [ooc] hmm... i just realised something... the one mouse was down, how
    did it get back to town?
Aprocter goes to the inn to busk
Xander [ooc] could i have possibly carried both of them?
Phailo [ooc] You healed it, didn't you?
DMA [ooc] We'll just say Fixyn Cured it.
Aprocter starts singing and playing the accordion for the patrons at the inn.
[ROLL] Aprocter (Perform) rolls d20: 8
[ROLL] Aprocter (Perform) adds a bonus of 9
[ROLL] For d20+9, Aprocter (Perform) totals: 17
[ROLL] Aprocter (earnings - sp) rolls d10: 8
Dungeon Master says, "The inn is called the Grey King's Head. The barkeeper is
    a frog named Glod, who gladly allows you to busk."
Xander [ooc] we cant just say that i carried it back too :P? ...
DMA [ooc] Oh, if you like.
Aprocter plays an enjoyable performance in the inn's common room, and his hat
    would be glad of a silver or two.
Aprocter receives eight silver pieces for his troubles.
Xander follows him into the inn
Xander asks the keeper where he might find two similar mice
Xander [ooc] you see i want to go find the mice again and make friends
-> Glod looks at Xander with some fear, silently takes the injured mouse and
    carries it out.
Xander adds as Glod leaves, "be sure to mention this little man is tied up if
    you do speak to them", indicating Chiyon
DMA [ooc] Sorry. I don't know what to do, and I think the mice are just
    ordinary citizens.
[ooc] Xander  nod
-> Glod returns some time later and asks if you would like rooms.
Xander says, "And, er, Gold is it? How much for a room?"
Xander [ooc] was just asking
Xander [ooc] typo... glod not gold lol
Glod says, "Five silver coins each day, sirs."
Aprocter says, "I'll stay the night here. Your patrons seem quite generous."
Aprocter plans to sing for his breakfast the next morning
Xander says, "ok, give me a room. and two meals, Send those mice to me when you
    can. This one will remian tied up until we have reconciled with them. He
    did them and me and Kord an injustice."
-> You notice one or two patrons staring at Xander in an unfriendly way and
    then leaving the inn.
Glod says, "Kord is one of your companions?"
Xander dumps Chiyon on the floor of his room.
Xander says, "its more like I am one of his. This is a strange place if you do
    not know Kord"
-> Glod shows you all to rooms.
Xander feeds chiyon and explains. We need to stick together in this. None of
    us know where we are and the last thing we need is enemies before we even
-> Glod bids you goodnight and leaves you to eat in peace.
Xander says, "we have, apparently, been selected for whatever reason (you not
    your intelect) to save this place and i do not think we can get out of here
    before we do that"
DMA [ooc] Discuss as much as you like, then turn in. It's a logical place to
    finish for the day.
Phailo [ooc] How much XP do we get?
DMA [ooc] 150 for the mice.
Xander [ooc] he is not even here so i dont know what i am going on about
DMA [ooc] Who isn't?
Xander [ooc] chiyon
DMA [ooc] So he isn't. Oh well.
DMA [ooc] Then I guess that's it.
Phailo looks at a note.
DMA [ooc] Just a query, how many of you would want to have a session next week,
    but three hours later?
Aprocter [ooc] I would, I'm pretty sure.
Phailo [ooc] I too.
Xander [ooc] date?
Phailo [ooc] 23/12
Xander [ooc] 23rd?
DMA [ooc] 23rd/24th
Xander [ooc] i should be able to make it
Xander [ooc] 21:00 gmt
DMA [ooc] Whatever day of week it is now.
Xander [ooc] unless some family plans come up i should be able to
DMA [ooc] Same day next week, but starting three hours later, because I don't
    want to get up at 5am.
Xander [ooc] nods
DMA [ooc] OK. I'll post on the main board then.
DMA [ooc] ... or this board
DMA looks at Bulletin Board - 0 posts.
Xander [ooc] ok, also i think the mice mentioned something about the hatter. so
    they do have at least some important information.
Aprocter [ooc] Hrm
Aprocter [ooc] DMA, are you in a position to accept bardic knowledge rolls?
Aprocter [ooc] Or should I do them with DMK?
Xander [ooc] oh lol they did tell us that the town was on the road... wowo i
    missed a couple of important sentances today
Phailo says, "Thanks for the session, DM."
Xander [ooc] yep thanks, it was quite enjoyable.
Xander [ooc] hopefully this thing with chiyon is sorted out, who is he anyway?
Phailo waves.
Xander waves.
Phailo heads home.
DMA [ooc] That's fine, Chiyon is someone I've never seen before, and I don't
    think I should try the bardic knowledge.
Xander [ooc] ok well i hope i didnt intimidate him right out of MH
DMA [ooc] :)
DMA [ooc] I hope not too!
Aprocter says, "Thanks DMA! Will see you next session."
Xander says, "yep!"
Dungeon Master says, "You're welcome!"
Rosuav arrives.
Rosuav travels out.
Xander [ooc] if i dont make the next session make assumptions about what i do
    with chiyon and let me know what happend
DMA [ooc] Um. I don't think I can do that. I get that you're trying to make him
    make peace with the mice, but I don't get how. If you're not there, I'll
    just say you haven't found the mice yet.
Xander [ooc] so what leave him tied up for the session? doesnt sound fun to me
Xander [ooc] at least for him
Dungeon Master waves.
DMA heads home.