Quick find:

Good things to search for:
nickname   - all those funny botched nicknames
typo       - similar
mischan    - ditto
armon      - he's a funny guy!
death spam - there's a few unusual ones
puns       - Saorise hates them
dnd        - Stuff related to D&D
faq        - The Threshold RPG FAQ

Also see http://rosuav.com/1/?recent=1 for entries sorted by how recently they were added (which is separate from the date on the entry, which is the date it happened).

-{Citizen}- Etrival: I think Olivia likes her KitNipBox.
-{Citizen}- Jazny: Who is Olivia?
-{Citizen}- Etrival: My cat.
-{Citizen}- Jazny: Last name,  Twist?  :P
-{Citizen}- Karal: Sir K. fucking Itten
-{Citizen}- Khalid: first Etrival needs to make her a surcoat. Then she can
            have a surname.
-{Citizen}- Karal: Are you sur?
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye chuckles
-{Citizen}- Khalid: very - it's a big sur.
-{Citizen}- Karal: Sur-prising.
-{Citizen}- Leveth places his face in his open palm despairingly.
-{Citizen}- Khalid: it's understandable. We're openly punning, but if we do
            it secretly, things get surrepitious
-{Citizen}- Rosuav looks out at citizen, surveying the punscape
-{Citizen}- Karal: Good day good sur.
-{Citizen}- Karal pats Rosuav on the back
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Be careful, Karal, you're surrounded here
-{Citizen}- Everon grins at Rosuav
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I know, Everon. It's getting surreal.
-{Citizen}- Everon agrees wholeheartedly with Rosuav
-{Citizen}- Khalid: it certainly is
-{Citizen}- Karal: Oh my. I needed over sur-ty seconds to come up with a
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I wish Vrai were here. We need some surly responses.
-{Citizen}- Jazny: I counter your counter with . . just kitchen counter.
-{Citizen}- Karal: Kitchen counter? Where's my s- *ducks out*
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Alright. Unless there's a sudden surge of responses,
            I'm going to cease this surfeit of puns.
-{Citizen}- Khalid: so you're going to put a surcharge on puns, Ros?
-{Citizen}- Leveth: On the surface, it seems like a good idea
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Yeah probably. It's the only way my wallet will
-{Citizen}- Rosuav keeps his budget under surveillance.
-{Citizen}- Khalid nods - you need to keep a surplus
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Absolutely. If legitimate puns become too expensive, I
            might need to look for some form of surrogate.
-{Citizen}- Leveth: So you can surround the good ones, keep them in
-{Citizen}- Khalid: this has gone from just surdity all the way to
-{Citizen}- Leveth applauds Khalid.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: And harass them until they surrender, Leveth.
-{Citizen}- Leveth: Think Khalid won that one, surely
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Agreed. We're not going to surpass that.
-{Citizen}- Jazny: *Pours Surfur on the bunch.*  :p
-{Citizen}- Leveth tsks at Jazny
-{Citizen}- Leveth gives Jazny a good spanking!
-{Citizen}- Khalid will henceforth refer to Jaz at "Surfur Girl"
-{Citizen}- Jazny: HEY!  It had s u r in it.  Counted.  <.<
-{Citizen}- Leveth sings .o( She's just a surfer girl )o.
-{Citizen}- Karal: I count a surplus of puns.
-{Citizen}- Karal: I surmise it'll be over soon.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Yes. Finding ones that haven't been used yet is
            becoming an in-surmountable problem.
-{Citizen}- Jazny: Surprise,  it isn't done yet!   lol.
-{Citizen}- Leveth places his face in his open palm despairingly.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: This channel is locating these puns with surgical
-{Citizen}- Leveth: Damnit, Rosuav, I was typing one out with that
-{Citizen}- Rosuav grins
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: It's a contest of typing speed. Only the fastest
-{Citizen}- Leveth: Aye, or I can claim you as my surrogate and claim your
            puns as my own
-{Citizen}- Karal: Don't des-purr. As long as we do surreptitious
            advertising I expect another surge of lots of pun.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I already did that one! I should get reuse in-surance.
-{Citizen}- Jazny: Surely it has been used before.  lol.

[PSION] Aenoa muses: How is the collectice?
[PSION] Rosuav muses: It's going well. Solid water collections are on the up
        and up, although public response has been cold.
[PSION] Aenoa snickers
[PSION] Aenoa muses: I did miss your puns
[PSION] Rosuav grins
[PSION] Jibrael muses: Pardon her lisp, she meant 'Buns'.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: I'm not in that line of business, Jibrael, no point
        trying half-baked innuendo on me.
[PSION] Aenoa giggles
[PSION] Aenoa muses: Jibrael always wanteds to rise to that occasion though.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: I'm happy to meet him pun for pun. After all, I'm just
        loafing around anyway.
[PSION] Aenoa sighs and smiles "I missed this, gives me time to ryelax."
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Well, we can't hold you here. You have to sow your wild
        oats, eh?
[PSION] Jibrael muses: Sweet Aether, yu guys are right on it.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: I'm sorry Jibrael, but the yeast you could do is to try.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: True, but sometimes these things are ingrained.
[PSION] Tiella muses: Why is this happening.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Blame Aenoa, she started it, I kneaded merely to follow.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: Hey! Doughn't blame it on me.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: What, can't take a little criticism? You ARE a delicate
[PSION] Imke muses: Sorry Jibrael totally passed out
[PSION] Aenoa muses: Ah, he just couldn't let things settle.
[PSION] Jibrael muses: It's okay, you wouldn't be on one of those no carb
        diets by chance, it may be the underlying cause.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: We should probably stop, some members of the guild get a
        little crusty.
[PSION] Aenoa snickers
[PSION] Tiella muses: I am only crusty when I thicken my skin.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: Agreed. These jokes are getting a little moldy
[PSION] Rosuav muses: If we're not careful, we'll find we're just feeding off
        each other anyway.
[PSION] Aenoa smiles "I really did miss this."

... shortly after, I get a chance to reference All'alba sorgerò ...

[PSION] Jibrael muses: I haven't slept since last week embarassingly.
[PSION] Jibrael muses: I bready to pass out?
[PSION] Aenoa muses: Those jokes are a bit stale Jibrael
[PSION] Jibrael muses: Noooo I am infected now... I just need to bake it to a
[PSION] Rosuav muses: I know, yes I know, you'll set like the sun...
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Because then, because then, you'll rise at dawn!
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Sorry, I just can't let it go.
[PSION] Jibrael muses: The irony is the the thing keeping from sleep is all
        the food I have.
[PSION] Aenoa looks around for Ailise
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Why her?
[PSION] Aenoa muses: The puns always bothered her.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: That's right, they did too.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: It is a shame too.
[PSION] Jibrael muses: We are a gluten for a good laugh andnshe is simply
        alegic to our finensense of humor?
[PSION] Rosuav muses: You need to get your brain sorted out a bit, Jibrael...
        you knead sleep.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: You know, sometimes these jokes take a while to activate
        this. It's a good thing I didn't promise to match you pun for pun,
        Aenoa, or I'd be eating my words about now.
[PSION] Jibrael muses: Very nice.
-{Citizen}- Aenoa: we could switch to Disney puns and give you a better
            playing field Rosuav
-{Citizen}- Vrai groans
-{Citizen}- Vrai: not the puns again Ros.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav grins at Aenoa
-{Citizen}- Aenoa: You should see the Psion channel
-{Citizen}- Aenoa snickers
-{Citizen}- Vrai twitches
-{Citizen}- Aenoa: This is like Rosuav's bread and butter.

-{Citizen}- Daekyn: I've seen too much shit. I don't think anyone can post
            anything on Thresh that disturbs me
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Daekyn: http://rosuav.com/1/
-{Citizen}- Aenoa: I love how two of the newest ones sprung from me
-{Citizen}- Aenoa: I think I should start making more puns
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Yeah, but we could avoid the Disney ones when Ailise is
            around. Since she isn't at the moment, though, be my guest!
-{Citizen}- Aenoa: Be your guest? Put your service to the test?
-{Citizen}- Scipio: I haven't heard that song in ages but now I have it
            stuck it in my head.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Definitely. Most of my /etc/services will be hidden by
            my firewall, but you're welcome to try. I did kill the BEAST a
            while ago.
-{Citizen}- Aenoa: Well isn't that a Beauty
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: It's a little unsatisfactory to stick to just one
            movie, though. I want so much more than we've apparently got
-{Citizen}- Seridia ponders Rosuav's inner being.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: What?
-{Citizen}- Seridia: noooooothing
-{Citizen}- Daekyn: Best not to think about it.
-{Citizen}- Aenoa: Well. The seaweed is always greener
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Seridia, Daekyn's right. I'm combining IT and Disney,
            which go together very well (Big Hero 6 used Python
            extensively), but it's still fairly high nerdery. It's a whole
            new world out here, you know.

[PSION] Rosuav peers quizzically at Kiyaneh
[PSION] Kiyaneh peers quizzically at Rosuav
[PSION] Aenoa muses: peer Aenoa
[PSION] Aenoa peers quizzically at herself
[PSION] Keiko peers quizzically at Tamlia
[PSION] Tamlia peers hotness over the lands
[PSION] Aenoa muses: The Psion guild Everybody!
[PSION] Keiko muses: ...I see a psionic staring contest isn't what it seems to
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: Yes, it isn't how it a-peers
[PSION] Kiyaneh giggles at her own joke.
[PSION] Keiko muses: ...
[PSION] Tamlia muses: If only there was peer-to-peer matches
[PSION] Keiko muses: peer-to-peer staring contests?
[PSION] Tamlia muses: That would be appering.
[PSION] Tamlia muses: Err. Apeering. Hang on I can do this.
[PSION] Tamlia giggles
[PSION] Keiko muses: Apurring?
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: That sounds purrfect.
[PSION] Tamlia muses: Might be a meowful
[PSION] Keiko muses: I heard those staring contests can get pretty catty.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: I thought I herd a punning contest happening...
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: It always seems like I'm going to lose punning
        contests, but I claw my way back
[PSION] Keiko muses: I'll claw your back
[PSION] Keiko muses: I mean what?
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: Please
[PSION] Aenoa giggles
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Let's stick to puns, not threats. The whole kitten
        caboodle of violence is unnecessary.
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: Threat? I hoped it was a promise.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Ah, that's alright then. No claws for alarm.
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: Anyway. You're pun-ctual as ever with your jokes,
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Thank you, Kiyaneh. It's purrly a matter of timing.
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: Where did Keiko go? Did somebody whisk-er away?
[PSION] Keiko muses: I'm just not feeling very punny.
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: It's okay, we're here fur you.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Though if you do feel like contributing, I'm sure you'll
        find it very rewording.
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: Agreed. None of us Mind puns here.
[PSION] Keiko muses: Does that count?
[PSION] Aenoa muses: But please be thoughtful
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Most of us are fairly full of our own thoughts... or
        full of ourselves, it's sometimes hard to distinguish.
[PSION] Keiko muses: It does take a heightened awareness to know the
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Aye. It'd be quite the ego-whip to realize that your
        thoughts are empty.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: You guys should probably get some feedback on your jokes
[PSION] Keiko muses: I was just thinking the same thing!  It's like we're
        twins!  How haunting is that?
[PSION] Aenoa muses: What can I say. I can detect minds
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: Haunting? Don't panic, it's probably just just a dream
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Thanks Aenoa, but I don't know that anyone knows better
        how psions ought to conduct ourselves.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: We do have quite a focus on language here, which is
        always a good thing. It's like one big group mind.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: You guys really want to cannibalize these jokes don't
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Yeah, sorry about that, Aenoaa. We're running on
        inertial now, can't be stopped.
[PSION] Keiko muses: No one finds this agitating?
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: As long as nobody loses their temper, we'll be okay.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: well if you carry on, I might just start getting a temper
[PSION] Aenoa muses: Hahahah
[PSION] Kiyaneh gives Aenoa a high-five!
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Ahh, such timing. I love your precision!
[PSION] Aenoa hi5 kiyaneh
[PSION] Keiko muses: I don't get it.  Maybe I'm just dense...
[PSION] Rosuav muses: It's like you're twins!
[PSION] Aenoa muses: You just need to gaze deeper at the meaning
[PSION] Tamlia muses: If only I had the influence here to whip my ego back
        into the purification process.
[PSION] Keiko muses: I'll just thrust my mind as deep as it can go.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: We're stuck here now. There's no going back. We can't
        control the curse!
[PSION] Kiyaneh peers quizzically at Keiko

[PSION] Tamlia muses: Time to hammer out the mindlink.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Kiyaneh, this is nothing but a projection of your own
[PSION] Aenoa muses: it'll take a memory wipe to forget this.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: I could spare you the pain of all this with an enhanced
        memory wipe, but then you might not know you have powers.
[PSION] Rosuav nods at Aenoa
[PSION] Rosuav gives Aenoa a high-five!
[PSION] Aenoa muses: Hahah
[PSION] Aenoa muses: I'm on fire today
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: Careful you don't incinerate yourself
[PSION] Keiko muses: That was a cold incinerate joke, Kiyaneh.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Keiko, the use of ice has its advantages. It's
        structured all along a hex.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: I'll just freezedry myself insted Kiyaneh
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: We can probably net ourselves a few more jokes before
        we run out.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: We should be able to detect some life in the old puns
[PSION] Keiko muses: You're totally losing me.  Could someone please interpret
        him for me?
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Keiko, you could cheat and pick up a scroll to read.
[PSION] Keiko muses: Eh, I'd lose my gaze.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: I'm just waiting for this whole conversation to detonate
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: The weight of all these psychic puns are crushing me
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Aenoa, that won't happen soon, you'll get far warning.
[PSION] Aenoa muses: On a side note. 5 fish caught in a row.
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: What are you, a neurosturgen?
[PSION] Aenoa muses: Now these jokes are a whole new can of worms
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: You're just trying to bait us into more puns aren't
[PSION] Rosuav muses: I hope they're full-sized jokes, Aenoa, not the little
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: You cod have given us some warning!
[PSION] Aenoa muses: You fell for it hook link and sinker.
[PSION] Keiko muses: I'm certainly hooked.
[PSION] Mylana grunts
[PSION] Aenoa muses: Just need to reel you in now
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Mylana's wishing she could be cast far from here.
[PSION] Mylana muses: Yes.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Give us some slack, it's not all THAT often we tug your
[PSION] Kiyaneh muses: This is a punning contest of epic portions.
[PSION] Keiko muses: Come on, Rosuav, show some respect to your Elders.
[PSION] Mylana muses: It is just noise.
[PSION] Rosuav muses: Alright. I'm calling an end to this. We can filet this
        under 'P' for puns, and never look on it again.

-{Citizen}- Daekyn puts on sunglasses and goes outside at night in the
            freezing cold to sit on a lawn chair and enjoy his ice cream
-{Citizen}- Gesslar: and is better with ketchup
-{Citizen}- Mylana: So much better.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: The cold never... ahem.
-{Citizen}- Daekyn projectile vomits yellow, orange, and other multi-hued
-{Citizen}- Larenth: with one of those mirror-thingies that people use to
            reflect the sun at their face?
-{Citizen}- Daekyn: And a dab of sun screen on my nose
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: One of these, Larenth?
-{Citizen}- Larenth: scary that you were ready with that picture....
-{Citizen}- Larenth: >.>
-{Citizen}- Rosuav nods
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I am scary.
-{Citizen}- Gesslar: sunscreen = ketchup
-{Citizen}- Daekyn: Once mastered, those who employ google-fu can be
            unnaturally fast
-{Citizen}- Rosuav agrees wholeheartedly with Daekyn
-{Citizen}- Gesslar: once *mustard
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: The novice dodges the Google.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: The apprentice calls upon the Google for help.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: The master embraces the Google and is the Google.
-{Citizen}- Daekyn grabs Gesslar by the shoulders and shakes him. "WHAT IS
-{Citizen}- Larenth: he grew up in a Google-Shu monestary where they taught
            him all the evil secrets of Googling
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: And Larenth, there are no evil secrets of Googling.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: That is their policy.
-{Citizen}- Daekyn: The Google-Fu master will tell you to snatch the
            youtube link from his hand
-{Citizen}- Mylana: Daekyn, Gesslar mayo may not be trolling you.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Food for thought, Mylana...
-{Citizen}- Daekyn: I've definitely heard worscestershire.
-{Citizen}- Gesslar: definitely relish our bacon forths
-{Citizen}- Mylana: aaaahaha
-{Citizen}- Mylana hugs Daekyn
-{Citizen}- Mylana: have you tried ketchup in coffee yet?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I would probably continue this conversation, but I
            don't want to encourage you when you're clearly fishing for
-{Citizen}- Daekyn: Did you know that the bird is the word? He heard. She
            heard.. I'm sure you mustard.
-{Citizen}- Daekyn: Look, I started a bit behind in this pun war. Gettin
            kinda tired of playing ketchup.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Yeah, and trying to stop all the different puns is like
            playing guacamole.
-{Citizen}- Daekyn: We should b-ranch out. Puns should be less chees-y and
            more grave-y.
-{Citizen}- Daekyn: This is america. We put ranch, cheese, and gravy on
            everything. Shuddap.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I think you're beating the dead-horse here.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Which is a form of payback, in that I don't think you
            call it that over there.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: (At the risk of explaining the joke, "dead horse" is
            Aussie slang for tomato sauce.)
-{Citizen}- Larenth: I think that last citizen should get moved to trivia
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Larenth, that sounds like a spot of
-{Citizen}- Daekyn: Heading back to the 90's, I would say that anything
            involving a horse is, while not quite tubular, it is at least
            somewhat raddish.

-{Citizen}- Selreena: I hate chest colds. Coughing is for the birds.
-{Citizen}- Belrys: There's a bird flu joke in there somewhere
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: That was a cheep shot
-{Citizen}- Belrys: I hope you have room for Robitussin in your...budgiet?
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: I hope your nest joke is better.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: I can afford it, but I prefer a echinecea.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: Liquid form
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: All these puns are going to be of similarly low
            quality... birds of a feather flock together, you know.
-{Citizen}- Selreena ponders an idea suggestion.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: For what, new ploooomidge?
-{Citizen}- Belrys: Well, this could get aukward then
-{Citizen}- Selreena: Something that will aggitate possibly or make some
            laugh who recall this conversation.
-{Citizen}- Erisa: I think I'm going to just chicken out.  All my puns were
            poultry in comparison.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: I personally would cackle so hard, my coughing might
            actually be worth it aside from my friend Iris.
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: chicken
-{Citizen}- Selreena: I wondered who was going to bite that bait.
-{Citizen}- Selreena hugs Ysadri
-{Citizen}- Belrys: Oh stop grousing Selreena
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: That wasn't a very pheasant remark.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: I can't help who I am, Belrys.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: Just roll with it is my motto
-{Citizen}- Belrys: It was another pun
-{Citizen}- Belrys: Grouse?
-{Citizen}- Erisa: I spoke with a well quailified doctor who says all you
            need is bedrest.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: I'm one who rolls with jokes, even if it confuses.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: If it walks like a pun, swims like a pun, and quacks
            like a pun, it's a python.
-{Citizen}- Belrys: Really?  A bird conversation, and you go with python?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: And ducks.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav ducks.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: Is it duck hunting season yet?
-{Citizen}- Belrys: Rabbit season
-{Citizen}- Erisa: You have to stick to the theme.  That's like.. the
            cardinal rule of punnery.
-{Citizen}- Selreena snaps her fingers.
-{Citizen}- Selreena isn't a hunter.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Erisa, I'd love to talk turkey with you, but I really
            have to round off here at work.
-{Citizen}- Erisa: Okay, that one was a bit of ostrich
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Yeah, well, I can't complain. At least I have a nice
            quiet desk job, I don't have to be out hawking stuff
-{Citizen}- Erisa: But don't you feel pigeonholed in your tiny cubicle?
-{Citizen}- Yusif: I'm robin my eyes, but what emu seeing isn't getting any
            better. All these falcon puns are getting the bitty of me. Can
            you guys sparrow a bit of time to cut the gull damn puns down?
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: You're just egging him on, you know.
-{Citizen}- Belrys: It's not like we're committing some sort of murder.
            People naturally flock to puns.
-{Citizen}- Yusif: It's the nest best thing to doing it yourself. This
            sentence has dove in it.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: Quote the raven.
-{Citizen}- Ysadri crows at that joke
-{Citizen}- Erisa bonks Yusif on the head.
-{Citizen}- Slyndon: You should calm down a little you're acting like a
            bunch of boobies
-{Citizen}- Selreena: Honestly, Slyndon. I'm dying laughing. I had to get a
            bear three jokes into this.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: beer*
-{Citizen}- Slyndon: It was another pun :(
-{Citizen}- Selreena: No it really wasn't.
-{Citizen}- Selreena laughs
-{Citizen}- Selreena: Even my first comm
-{Citizen}- Selreena: ..ent wasn't intending for that, but it was funny how
            things worked out.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: And one has to love a shitty keyboard!
-{Citizen}- Selreena gives it a thumbs up.
-{Citizen}- Belrys: We'd better be careful, or the pun police will corvus
-{Citizen}- Erisa winces in pain.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: Slyndon is just being the rooster in the room.
-{Citizen}- Selreena laughs
-{Citizen}- Selreena: Now that was Slyndon
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Finally off work, now I can afford to engage in flights
            of fantasy.
-{Citizen}- Belrys: Work...it's surely the albatross around our necks
-{Citizen}- Selreena: All I can say is I hope some of you flocking birds
            have seen the new Oz movie.
-{Citizen}- Belrys: But maybe you an a co worker could spare a peregrines.
            I'm sure we'd all feel bittern about that.
-{Citizen}- Selreena: It's great.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Yes, but it pays the bills, and if we're lucky, lets us
            put away a bit of a nest-egg.
-{Citizen}- Erisa imagines J Jonah Jamison, except instead of yelling, "Get
            me pictures of Spiderman!" he's yelling, "Get me more puns
            about birds!"
-{Citizen}- Belrys: We can certainly tern a phrase or two
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: And the gull-ible will swallow the lot
-{Citizen}- Selreena: Rosuav, the more you keep up with this, the more I
            believe you are REALLY a bird spotter.
-{Citizen}- Erisa: With a pell I can write all these down for later use.
-{Citizen}- Erisa: Pell being a type of parchment..
-{Citizen}- Erisa shuffles about uncomfortably
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Not really, nor a cruciverbalist... just a geek with a
            hankerin' fer language. And it's a bit of an achievement to
            keep the punstorm going this long. A feather in our collective
-{Citizen}- Erisa: Beginning to feel a bit cooped up, though.  Might need
            to go outside to stretch my legs. Maybe chick the mail while
            I'm at it.
-{Citizen}- Belrys: I feel a bit of a tit, honestly, for all this mocking;
            Birds have thrown a wren ch in the works
-{Citizen}- Belrys: And to think that earlier Achtius was talking about his
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Huh. The bus I'm on has its ticket validators inactive.
            Only the second time that's happened all year. Free travel,
            what a lark!
-{Citizen}- Erisa: You just don't know what puns to do do you?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: No, I've kinda run out now, I don't think I can keep
            the audience en-raptored much longer.

Tsarvald tells you: Merry Christmas Ros!
You tell Tsarvald: You too!
Tsarvald tells you: I was going to say that at midnight Nashville time but I
    was called away by a three-year-old with bad dreams about a red-suited man
    sneaking into our house through the fireplace (why do we TELL our kids
    these things?), and I fell asleep in his bed.
To Tsarvald: Rosuav snickers.
Tsarvald tells you: He's been here though; the milk and cookier are gone and
    the whole xmas-tree corner of the living room is filled with wrapped
Tsarvald tells you: *cookies
You tell Tsarvald: How are the presents arranged? A heap, a stack, maybe a
Tsarvald tells you: Nothing of the sort.
Tsarvald tells you: It's just a huge array of objects, in this instance. If
    you want to know more, my wife can give you some pointers.
Tsarvald tells you: A lot was bought off Amazon, where we kept a linked list.
To Tsarvald: Rosuav nods.
Tsarvald tells you: For now, it's static.
You tell Tsarvald: Don't make a hash of it.
Tsarvald tells you: I'll pause while that registers.
Tsarvald tells you: The only thing I worry about is the size of the heap. I
    don't want my kids to become too... well, object oriented.
You tell Tsarvald: I shouldn't concern myself over that; after all, you do
    expect them to inherit your methodologies.
Tsarvald tells you: I'd never heard the issue so well encapsulated; usually
    it's just an abstraction to me.
Tsarvald tells you: Or maybe it's just semantics.
You tell Tsarvald: This sort of thing is usually taught in class.
Tsarvald tells you: My kids' school doesn't really push that method. I'd send
    them a message about it, but I'm not too strong typing.
You tell Tsarvald: Perhaps you're employing the wrong interface. Remind the
    school that they have a duty to be functional.
Tsarvald tells you: I've made a couple of calls and was very explicit. We're
    going to have a scrum next week at the library. I'll let you know what
To Tsarvald: Rosuav gives it a thumbs up.

[Alchemist] Nierdroq: Hi!
[Alchemist] Kedesh: Hail, Nierdroq!
[Alchemist] Nierdroq: Hail? That sounds inclement
[Alchemist] Nierdroq giggles
[Alchemist] Kedesh: That's snow joking matter.
[Alchemist] Nierdroq: I don't want to rain on your parade, but your puns are
[Alchemist] Kedesh: Icy what you did there.
[Alchemist] Nierdroq: I'm sorry, my mind is a bit clouded with sleep at the
[Alchemist] Kedesh: I feel the same way frost thing in the morning.
[Alchemist] Nierdroq: Not exactly a ray of sunshine eh?
[Alchemist] Kedesh: ...I'm fresh out. You've won a landslide victory.
[Alchemist] Nierdroq: I wouldn't say that, exactly. Some of them were a bit...
[Alchemist] Nierdroq: Okay, I've really run out now
[Alchemist] Nierdroq giggles

-{Citizen}- Emfield: hey xanu
-{Citizen}- Xanu: Hey Emfield.
-{Citizen}- Emfield: knock knock
-{Citizen}- Xanu: Who's there?
-{Citizen}- Emfield: owls
-{Citizen}- Xanu: Owls who?
-{Citizen}- Emfield: yes they do
-{Citizen}- Xanu grins
-{Citizen}- Emfield dances joyously atop the corpse of His foe!
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: So when did Citizen regress from being "adults only" to
            being a place for 8yo-level jokes?
-{Citizen}- Xanu: About the same time as the pun war, I think.
-{Citizen}- Emfield: haha, that's punny
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Ah, that would be it
-{Citizen}- Zarkul: I agree some pun-ishment is in order Rosuav.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I told nearly a dozen of them in the hope that some
            would get a laugh. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
-{Citizen}- Emfield: hahaha
-{Citizen}- Zarkul chuckles
-{Citizen}- Xanu laughs
-{Citizen}- Emfield: Superman once watched an episode of "walker: texas
            ranger". He then cried himself to sleep
-{Citizen}- Olric: Further degeneration
-{Citizen}- Olric grins
-{Citizen}- Emfield: phail
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I wonder if we could have a game of Foo's Pun.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Everyone gets a chit, and Ari tells a whole lot of
            puns, and when he hits on one that you think is funny, you say
-{Citizen}- Xanu smirks in amusement
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Meanwhile, the rest of us are cracking bad jokes with
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Of course, the way my luck is, it would happen that one
            time every seven days that I go to sleep. It's my regular
            pattern - as they say, sleep is for the week.
-{Citizen}- Emfield: foo?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: DQ'd for one round for underfooage.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: There is, of course, only one pun-ishment in FOO
-{Citizen}- Emfield: is that one round?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Yes, even though it was a recycled one
-{Citizen}- Emfield: make sure you put it in the right pun-tainer
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I'm disappointed. Normally there's a few more people
            who join in the fun. I guess the trouble is that without Ari,
            there's no decent rewords...
-{Citizen}- Emfield: rewards?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav nods
-{Citizen}- Emfield: aha, nvm, that rewords was punny too
-{Citizen}- Emfield: re-words
-{Citizen}- Emfield: how many days since you slept, ros
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Yeah, they're pretty bad. But as they say, we could
            switch to poetry but it'd be even verse.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I slept for 90 watts this morning. I might have had
            more, but I'm not _that_ light a sleeper.
-{Citizen}- Emfield: omg, you googled that one
-{Citizen}- Xanu: I wish I was better at puns, I want to join in.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Why, Xanu? Are you coming apart?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: And Em, nope. I never google my puns. They're all out
            of the old noodle... which I wish I'd thought of when the topic
            was food.
-{Citizen}- Xanu grins

-{Citizen}- Khaltek: Give her an artichoke and say "Here is my heart"
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: Is that too CORNy?
-{Citizen}- Kaney smirks in amusement
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: Peas, enough of the green jokes or I'll bean you.
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: I simply carrot stop, sorry
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: Asparagus from your humour.  You'll marrow us.
-{Citizen}- Kaney: I should have known it was only a matter of thyme.
-{Citizen}- Thierran: veg puns are worse than fish puns!
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: please don't mention fish puns
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: plx!
-{Citizen}- Mykenna: It's no plaice for them
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: Oh for cod's sake, it's started
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: Just for the halibut.
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: And becod you're such a crab.
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: I've haddock with these puns, seriously, you need to
            eelieve me
-{Citizen}- Mykenna: I like to eat fish
-{Citizen}- Razok: This pun is brought to you by: ARACHNO SPORES. The fatal
            spore, with the funny name.
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: You keep spawning these jokes.  You must be having a
            whale of a time.
-{Citizen}- Bashlon grins
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Actually, these jokes are nothing but red herrings
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: I have a joke, actually.
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: what is the difference between a fish and a piano?
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: you can tune a piano..
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: These jokes are worth money, Khaltek, you should see if
            you can get a few squid for them!
-{Citizen}- Thierran groans
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: What a snappery comback

-{Citizen}- Rosuav: http://rosuav.com/1/?search=puns
-{Citizen}- Saorise: is this a litany of me whining bout puns?
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Nah, it's a litany of bad puns whining about you.
-{Citizen}- Saorise: Awh, Rhokiki.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav misses Rho!
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: Crap, does anyone know anything about origami?
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: If I don't make this origami pelican to a good
            standard, my tutor is going to tear me a new one!
-{Citizen}- Marran: Nope. I fold
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I guess that's the end of craft puns, this subject's
            all sewn up.
-{Citizen}- Marran: I don't get to needle him anymore? Damn
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: I was going to make another pun, but I'll button it
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: This might make a good forums thread, though.
-{Citizen}- Saorise: So. So bad.
-{Citizen}- Marran glances at Saorise and decides to zip it
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: Thierran and I are now officially houseowners :D
-{Citizen}- Saorise cheers enthusiastically for Khaltek
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Great! Are you going to cut the red ribbon?

-{Citizen}- Saorise sighs to Marran.
-{Citizen}- Saorise: Why, why do you pun :(
-{Citizen}- Marran: Because!
-{Citizen}- Saorise: puns are no ones friend
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I do it just to infuriate you.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Err, no pun intendid.
-{Citizen}- Marran: I'm one of those friends who lives by a cliff and tells
            you to drop over anytime
-{Citizen}- Saorise smacks Marran upside the head.
-{Citizen}- Saorise: That was bad, even for you
-{Citizen}- Marran bows
-{Citizen}- Saorise: .. Juneya is laughing.
-{Citizen}- Juneya smirks in amusement
-{Citizen}- Saorise feels totally betrayed now.
-{Citizen}- Saorise: If she starts punning, I will cry.
-{Citizen}- Juneya: dont worry my wife
-{Citizen}- Saorise is worried.
-{Citizen}- Marran: I think Saorise is very paranoid. It seems people are
            either foe her or against her.
-{Citizen}- Saorise: I am dying a little on the inside.
-{Citizen}- Marran throws his head back and cackles with glee
-{Citizen}- Khaltek: In that case, you could say you're mortified
-{Citizen}- Juneya: its ok Marran is amused by small things
-{Citizen}- Saorise: ARGH!
-{Citizen}- Saorise melees Khaltek!

-{Citizen}- Khaosai: Every day I find myself going home and reading Lord of
            the Rings
-{Citizen}- Khaosai: I guess it's just a force of Hobbit
-{Citizen}- Belkra groans
-{Citizen}- Khaosai throws his head back and cackles with glee
-{Citizen}- Dalaena: Holy crap. I had to stop work to comment on that.
-{Citizen}- Dalaena pokes Khaosai in the tummy
-{Citizen}- Belkra: It really was that bad.
-{Citizen}- Khaosai: I have to do my part
-{Citizen}- Khaosai: 7 days without a pun makes one weak
-{Citizen}- Impediores: You and khaltek should date
-{Citizen}- Tremael: Yeah let's hope he doesn't do that any Moria
-{Citizen}- Thierran agrees wholeheartedly with Impediores
-{Citizen}- Khaosai laughs at Tremael
-{Citizen}- Akhafta: I didn't know he still did that.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav grins at Dalaena
-{Citizen}- Khaosai: I heard they delayed the next Twilight movie because
            it had to be re-Vamped...
-{Citizen}- Belkra: What the howl?
-{Citizen}- Xanu: That pun is so much better because it has the words
            "delayed" and "Twilight movie" in the same sentence.
-{Citizen}- Khaosai agrees wholeheartedly with Xanu
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Khao, I would hymn your praises on the four-stringed
            lyre, but I only ever sing under the shower, so it would have
            to be aqua-pella.
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: boooooooo
-{Citizen}- Khaosai: Ros, I was hoping you'd play the part on a trumpet,
            but you'd blow it.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I could tell you of my skills in that area, but it'd
            only be blowing my own trumpet.
-{Citizen}- Xanu liked the aqua-pella one.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: It came up in my RSS feed not five minutes ago
-{Citizen}- Damieux: You have an RSS feed for bad puns?
-{Citizen}- Xanu: That's pretty cool
-{Citizen}- Damieux: In a horrifying way.

-{Citizen}- Tathar: later
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye: Be safe.
-{Citizen}- Grythael: And don't drink and drive, kids.
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye agrees wholeheartedly.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Alcohol and higher mathematics don't mix. Don't drink
            and derive.
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye snickers
-{Citizen}- Grythael sighs
-{Citizen}- Qenton serith
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye: Did you really just make that joke?
-{Citizen}- Grythael: This is me facepalming.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav nods at Grythael
-{Citizen}- Leveth: Heh.  I think repeating that joke to my wife just made
            her head explode
-{Citizen}- Kardrick: Lol, I just had to hit last citizen to see
            that....Soooo bad.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: That one is an old joke not-reworked. But I came across
            an old joke reworked recently, that improved on the original.
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye: It gets worse?
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye sighs
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: It's even nerdier, so I suspect you don't want it.
-{Citizen}- Keldorn: lol, it's almost as bad as the time we had nothing but
            bread puns on citizen
-{Citizen}- Liranae: Rosuav, you nearly made me snort the soup I'm eating
            with the don't drink and derive...
-{Citizen}- Rosuav grins at Liranae
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: That sounds painful
-{Citizen}- Keldorn: Nothing but bad puns involving bread and dough, etc
-{Citizen}- Rosuav slaps his forehead and exclaims, "Dough!"
-{Citizen}- Keldorn: Don't stop Rosuav he's on a roll!
-{Citizen}- Abdalan: This schtick is dead, tagit and baguette.
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye: Wtf? lol
-{Citizen}- Keldorn: Don't be sour, any way you slice it this is fun.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: I would love to keep going with this, but I knead to
            get some work done.
-{Citizen}- Abdalan: And I gotta go drop a loaf
-{Citizen}- Morvinia: Make sure you flush?
-{Citizen}- Keldorn: Oh well bread jokes get stale fast.
-{Citizen}- Kardrick: Uh-oh I fear something as gone a-rye
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye: I didnt think it possible... Now I know better.
-{Citizen}- Keldorn nudges Alumsaye
-{Citizen}- Keldorn: you mean you know BUTTER
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye raises her eyebrow.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Didn't think what possible? A bunch of half-baked
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye: Yes butter too.
-{Citizen}- Kardrick: C'mon! Let's roll!
-{Citizen}- Alumsaye rolls on the floor laughing
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: That one's already been done and dusted.
-{Citizen}- Leveth debates tuning citizen...
-{Citizen}- Ysadri: You knead better jokes.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav debakes tuning Leveth
-{Citizen}- Kardrick: Well that's crumb-y
-{Citizen}- Keldorn: lol, I would like to formally apologize to everyone
            for bringing it up.
-{Citizen}- Abdalan: Two girls walked into the store the other day to pick
            up some booze, they laughed when I asked for id the older one
            saying she was there with her daughter but I had to cardamom.

-{Citizen}- Rhokiki screams at the top of his lungs in Rosuav's ear, "OH MY
-{Citizen}- Rosuav bows
-{Citizen}- Rhokiki: Yeah. That alias rawks.
-{Citizen}- Rhokiki: csr. Citizen serith rosuav for short.
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: Rho...
-{Citizen}- Rosuav: You're probably going to kill me for the bad pun, but I
            think that's a perfect example of syntactic sugar.
-{Citizen}- Rhokiki snorts in amusement